Author Topic: hacking into the task list?  (Read 3353 times)


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hacking into the task list?
« on: October 07, 2009, 05:07:21 pm »
Hi there. My employer has requested a feature, and I'm trying to figure out if I can code it. He would like to know how many open-and-running jobs we have at any given time. I figured this could be as simple as a 'total jobs' tally at the bottom (or top, perhaps) of the task list.

I thought of implementing two hooks -- one that is called when a task's entry is rendered (would this be 'render_object_properties'?) and increments a tally (e.g., $totalTasks ++), and then one that is called once all the tasks are rendered (no idea what hook this would be). Am I heading down the right path here?

Thanks in advance,
Paul d'Aoust