Author Topic: Problem with SMTP and PHP mailer  (Read 3444 times)


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Problem with SMTP and PHP mailer
« on: June 05, 2009, 08:23:10 pm »
I am unable to end mail by either SMTP or PHP (a feature I need before I can switch over to OpenGoo). (if it makes a difference I'm hosting OpenGoo on a GoDaddy linux server running Apache).

For SMTP - I am trying to go through gmail (server: - i've checked the settings (they work in Thunderbird). When I try to send, I get the following error message: "Error Notifier has failed to construct mailer object".

For PHP - When I try to send mail using PHP settings, i recieve a "success" message, but the messages never show up at the destination.

Error logs are as follows:

 Session "default" started at 2009-06-05T23:10:36+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (Connection refused) in '/home/content/u/p/c/upcreative/html/opengoo/library/swift/lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php' on line 149 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 6.3776860237122 seconds

For PHP:
Session "default" started at 2009-06-05T23:08:46+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: mail() [<a href='function.mail'>function.mail</a>]: Bad parameters to mail() function, mail not sent. in '/home/content/u/p/c/upcreative/html/opengoo/library/swift/lib/Swift/Stream/MailProxy.php' on line 374 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 1.0442860126495 seconds
