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Messages - Arthur Mullard

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
How To's / Re: Mail notification cannot send
« on: February 28, 2009, 07:59:09 pm »
Not sure I understand but:

• Mail Transport (in Configuration/ Mailing) is already set to "SMTP Server" in both.

Feature requests / Re: UI issue: Pending Tasks
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:21:12 am »
Yes, I also really agree with this. Have had problems with colleagues understanding this. Would be a great fix to do.

How To's / Re: Mail notification cannot send
« on: February 27, 2009, 07:02:41 am »
I ran the SQL queries. I get same values on both for:


and different values for:


How To's / Re: Mail notification cannot send
« on: February 27, 2009, 06:40:38 am »
Thanks so much for the support. I had set DEBUG to true, and this is what is in the log:

<?php die(); ?>
Session "default" started at 2009-02-23T00:21:44+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: ws in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/controllers/MessageController.class.php' on line 98 (error code: 8)
#2 ERROR: Error: Missing argument 3 for Notifier::objectDeleted(), called in /home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php on line 45 and defined in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php' on line 127 (error code: 2)
#3 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: ws in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/controllers/MessageController.class.php' on line 98 (error code: 8)
#4 ERROR: Error: Missing argument 3 for Notifier::objectDeleted(), called in /home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php on line 45 and defined in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php' on line 127 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 0.40957403182983 seconds

Session "default" started at 2009-02-24T01:46:14+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: set_time_limit() [<a href='function.set-time-limit'>function.set-time-limit</a>]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/controllers/MailController.class.php' on line 497 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 2.7069900035858 seconds

Session "default" started at 2009-02-24T09:18:55+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: Missing argument 3 for Notifier::objectDeleted(), called in /home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php on line 45 and defined in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php' on line 127 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 0.396320104599 seconds

Session "default" started at 2009-02-26T09:50:30+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: ws in '/home/realinst/public_html/goo/application/controllers/MessageController.class.php' on line 98 (error code: 8)
Time since start: 5.931981086731 seconds

How To's / Re: Mail notification cannot send
« on: February 24, 2009, 06:08:26 am »
We're getting "Notifier has failed to construct mailer object" errors.

Everything was working fine until we upgraded to 1.1RC1. Then we noticed we couldn't get notifications for calendar events. And all the Note email notifications for subscribers stopped comeing through.
Using the 'Test mail settings' tool results in the "Notifier has failed to construct mailer object" error.
The problem remains after upgrading to 1.2.01.
We're using exactly the same hosting company/package for another installation of OpenGoo, configuered identitcally and everything has remained working fine there.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received, we're art a loss now. :(

Ideas / Re: Poll / voting
« on: February 10, 2009, 08:04:55 pm »
Yes, we would like to attach polls/votes to notes & documents.

Feature requests / Re: [Request] what are user/client doing now !!
« on: February 10, 2009, 08:01:21 pm »
It would be very useful to at least see if:
* a user was currently logged on
* when users last logged on

Installation problems / Re: 405 error : Method Not Allowed
« on: February 05, 2009, 11:19:33 am »
I've done all suggested on this thread but still no joy - 405 still part of my day! 
Can't change host use of Apache 1.3.41 (Unix) :(

using open goo 1.1

Ah! Those without access were not assigned to the owner company. When we assigned them to the owner company access returned.
So, I guess an improvement would be to either:
- not allow people non-owner company users to be assigned admin status in the first place
- make sure non-owner company users can access admin once assigned admin status

Using 1.1

I have the same problem. Only the owner can access the adminstration panel - ALL other adminstrators have no access getting the same error as above.

Installation problems / Re: 405 error : Method Not Allowed
« on: December 16, 2008, 10:28:14 am »
I have the same problem too (default english language installed).

Feature requests / Re: Exceptions to repeating events
« on: December 12, 2008, 12:05:45 am »
I agree. iCal works like this too.

Feng Office 1 / Can't Add Contacts to Event Invitations - 1.1. beta
« on: December 11, 2008, 11:32:01 pm »
Version 1.1 beta

When adding a new Event, selecting Event Invitations gives a clickable "end email notifications" check-box, but no users or contacts.

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