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Topics - Murz

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Older versions / Work description lost when pressing "Pause work"
« on: February 11, 2010, 09:06:44 am »
I open the task, press "Add work", enter some description in field "End work description:". And if I press "Pause work", this description will be cleared, but if press "End work" - it saves succesfully.

Description must be saved on each action, not only on "End work"!

I have found a Jquery plugin
It can easily change url params after # symbol without reloading page.
Will be good to add this into FengOffice and record all page-specific data in url:
Code: [Select] of GET parameters:
Code: [Select] after this changes we can implement direct urls to project pages, tabs, url with filter settings.

Ideas / Access to svn of development versions source and svn changelog
« on: January 13, 2010, 05:52:49 am »
Where can I get sources of development versions FengOffice? Will be good to see an access to svn or git repository of sources.

Often I have find some bugs or missing features in stable version and need to apply the patches to current version by myself for solving issues without waiting new versions.

If I will see the development versions, I'll can view the changelog and get some patches from developers instead of writing by my hands.

ANd maybe some improvements already done in development version and I can use it in my installation?

For example, I very need the contacts quick filter and try to change the sources by myself in 1.6.1 version for adding it.

I have found the post
The filter box for contacts is already planned but I don't know whether it will make it to version 1.5. You're right about the firefox search on contacts. Hadn't noticed it before.
If some development of this feature is already started in dev version, I can get it from svn and apply to my installation!

How To's / Start date for milestone
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:32:53 am »
I have two milestones.
Second milestone can be started only after first if finished.
For example, first - 10.12.2009-15.01.2010, second - 16.01.201-20.02.2010.
I can set "due date" for each milestone, but I can't find the start date for it.
How I can add the start date for milestone?

And I don't want to see this milestone in the top of list while it time didn't start, can I filter milestones and hide items that starts in future?

Community Contributions / Add filter for view late (overdue) tasks
« on: December 24, 2009, 05:37:55 am »
I am a project manager and have some subordinates. I create many tasks for each person. The normal situation that they finish tasks at "Due date" or before. But very often they forgot about due date and didn't close the task.

I need the easy method for control task completing
and function to show problem (overdue) tasks, that was closed after due date, or still open after due date.

For change the value fo ComboBox (select list) I need to click on the arrow, because if I click on the text in field, I can type something.
I think that we need to change all read-only ComboBoxes to editable:false for opening items via click on the text, not only on arrows.
Example for TasksBottomToolbar.js:
Code: [Select]
    this.statusCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
            id: 'ogTasksStatusCombo',
        store: new{
                fields: ['value', 'text'],
                data : [[2, lang('all')],[0, lang('pending')],[1, lang('complete')]]
        typeAhead: true,
        mode: 'local',
        triggerAction: 'all',
+        editable:false,
        valueField: 'value',
        listeners: {
                'select' : function(combo, record) {
                                var toolbar = Ext.getCmp('tasksPanelBottomToolbarObject');

I want to see not only mine, but all tasks in progress (in working and paused states).
I create a patch that do this, it successfully applies to OpenGoo 1.6 release and working for me.
Additionally, we can see the task state per user - work or pause.
The screenshot how this looks on my installation:

You can apply the patch with thouse actions:
1. Copy patch file to the opengoo folder.
2. Run command
patch -p0 < ./time.patch
That's all.

If user set timeslot to pause, in task page I see always 'work in progress'.
For fix this issue we can change the line 43 in application/views/timeslot/object_timeslots.php
Code: [Select]
&nbsp;-&nbsp;<?php echo $timeslot->isOpen() ? ('<b>' lang('work in progress') . '</b>')
Code: [Select]
&nbsp;-&nbsp;<?php echo $timeslot->isOpen() ? ('<b>' . ($timeslot->isPaused()?lang('work paused'):lang('work in progress')) . '</b>') :.

Older versions / Href links with percents (%D0%9D) cuts on first percent
« on: December 11, 2009, 03:29:13 am »
I have a link in note:
and OpenGoo detect this link as
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9

The link cuts at first percent symbol.

Feature requests / Hierarchical comments in tasks
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:42:03 am »
I have use comments for discuss some thinks, described in task. And I need to ask the questions and receive the answers.
And when I post two comments after checking task accomplishment and post two comments, I didn't understand to which comment user answer.
For example:
Task description:
Do 1 thing, after that do second and third like first one with 2 changes.
- Fist thing didn't do the described function.
- - I didn't understand what function does you mean?
- - - function 123.
- Update third thing using function 345.
- - Done.

This can be solved for me if comments will have hierarchical structure.

I see the free white space at the left size of search field.
I think will be useful to add here quick links to popular user objects, and give the user customize this list.
For example, I glad to see here links to 2-3 favorite projects, 2 milestones and some files (at most - templates of firm documents).

For don't waste the space, we can do this links like a graphic buttons 24x24 pixels with description in img title .

Feature requests / Filter tasks and milestones per groups in Dashboard
« on: December 08, 2009, 08:23:11 am »
In "Dashboard options" I can filter via "Show tasks assigned to:" tasks assigned to one user or all tasks. But I need to filter task only for my company department (users of my department are assigned to one group), and don't know how to do it.
For example, finance department don't needed to see the tasks assigned to programmers department, but need to see tasks, assigned to another finance users.

Older versions / Not mine milestones in "My late milestones and tasks"
« on: December 08, 2009, 08:18:26 am »
Using OpenGoo 1.6 release.
When I set in "Preferences - Dashboard options - Show tasks assigned to:"  to any user, for example, to me, I see in widget "My late milestones and tasks" tasks list assigned only to me, but milestones assigned to each user, not only to me.
How I can hide milestones, assigned to another users?

Use forum for detecting and solving bugs is uncomfortable for developers and for users.
Will be better to install any opensource bugtracker to this site and use it for report bugs.
Or you can use separated bugtracker on any service, for example on - it's free and opensource.

I have using repeating task for creating monthly reports, and needs that assigner add comment and attach file only to current task.
But if he adds comment, this commend adds to all future repeating tasks.

He can close the task (after closing, opengoo duplicates repeating task for futute with new id, and current task stay with old id), reopen it and post the comment.
But it is uncomfortable and not intuitive for users, much better to add the button "detach this task from repeating" for do this.

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