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Messages - ThorstenW

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Installation problems / Re: [1.4] db upgrade fails
« on: May 20, 2009, 02:20:01 pm »
There was a second column preventing the upgrade.
If someone else should encounter the same problems, just comment out the following two lines from the original 1_4_nutria.php and run the upgrade.
-- ALTER TABLE `<?php echo $table_prefix ?>project_files` ADD COLUMN `type` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-- ALTER TABLE `<?php echo $table_prefix ?>project_files` ADD COLUMN `url` varchar(255) NULL;

# Database schema transformations executed (total queries: 61)
# OpenGoo has been upgraded. You are now running OpenGoo 1.4 Enjoy!

Up and running :)

Thanks for your quick reply, alvarotm01!


Installation problems / [1.4] db upgrade fails
« on: May 19, 2009, 05:24:41 pm »
Running the upgrade script (1.3.1 -> 1.4) after uploading the new files produces the following error message:
    * Config file found and loaded.
    * File '/config/config.php' exists and is writable
    * Folder '/config' exists and is writable
    * Folder '/public/files' exists and is writable
    * Folder '/cache' exists and is writable
    * Folder '/tmp' exists and is writable
    * Folder '/upload' exists and is writable
    * Extension 'mysql' is loaded
    * Extension 'gd' is loaded
    * Extension 'simplexml' is loaded
    * Upgrade script has connected to the database.
    * Test query has been executed. Its safe to proceed with database migration.
    * Upgrade script has connected to the database.
    * Test query has been executed. Its safe to proceed with database migration.
    * Failed to execute DB schema transformations. MySQL said: Duplicate column name 'type'
    * Error upgrading to version 1.4

Trying to access opengoo without a successful upgrade results in another error:

Query failed with message 'Unknown column 'can_manage_reports' in 'field list''
Error params:
File:    ...//opengoo/environment/library/database/adapters/AbstractDBAdapter.class.php
Line:    386
Sql:    SELECT `id`, `company_id`, `username`, `email`, `token`, `salt`, `twister`, `display_name`, `title`, `avatar_file`, `timezone`, `created_on`, `created_by_id`, `updated_on`, `last_login`, `last_visit`, `last_activity`, `can_edit_company_data`, `can_manage_workspaces`, `can_manage_security`, `can_manage_configuration`, `auto_assign`, `personal_project_id`, `can_manage_contacts`, `can_manage_templates`, `can_manage_reports`, `default_billing_id` FROM `og_users` WHERE `id` = '1'
Error number:    1054
Error message:    Unknown column 'can_manage_reports' in 'field list'
Backtrace: [...]

Seems I am locked out from my installation so far. (new security feature? ;))

My assumption: This 1.3.1 installation was once a "wrong 1.3.1" (see for details) and might already have added some columns that are now added again (without testing for existing cols before altering).

Am I heading into the right direction or is there another reason for preventing the upgrade?


Deutsch / Re: Bilder in htlm Dokument einfügen
« on: May 15, 2009, 03:00:33 pm »
Hallo chris,

die angefügten Bilder zeigen einen möglichen Weg, ein Bild (hier das OpenGoo-Logo) als Bild einzufügen und dabei auch von den css-Angaben im erweiterten Register Gebrauch zu machen.

Wenn man sich zum letzten Bild den Quelltext anzeigen lässt, ergibt sich folgendes:
Code: [Select]
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img vspace="30" hspace="15" border="1"
 src="" alt="OpenGoo Logo"
 id="Hauptlogo" class="logos" style="border-style: dotted; border-color: red;" />
Dort finden sich also alle Angaben wieder:
  • Der Platz neben (HSpace) und über (VSpace) dem Bild
  • Der alternative Titel des Bildes, der gezeigt wird, falls das Bild nicht geladen werden kann
  • Die Rahmendicke (border) [Anm.: geht auch per css]
  • Die Seite, die aufgerufen wird, wenn man auf das Bild klickt (Link Url)
  • Art des Links (blank öffnet in neuem Tab/Fenster)
  • Weitere Formatierungen per css (style). Hier Rahmenfarbe und -art
"id" und "class" haben in diesem Fall noch keine Wirkung.
Hiermit besteht zB. die Möglichkeit, sich auf Formatierungen zu beziehen, die zentral in einem stylesheet (css-datei) hinterlegt wurden.

Wenn etwas unklar ist, gerne nachfragen.


Indeed, I tested this with multiple value properties only.

Leaving the box unchecked works just as expected. Great!  :)

The administration area allows to set up custom properties for contacts etc.

However, it is not possible to use these additional entries to create custom reports.

Admin-created ("global") custom properties should show up in the "Conditions" and "Columns & Order" section.
At least, that is what I was expecting.

If the current behaviour is intended, please feel free to move this topic to the feature request section.


Deutsch / Re: Probleme mit Mailversand und Testmailer
« on: May 07, 2009, 03:31:11 pm »
Hallo Christian,

ich denke nicht, dass das Problem bei OpenGoo liegt.
Eventuell hat Dein ISP den Port 25 gesperrt. Versuch es mal über den alternativ von 1u1 zur Verfügung gestellten Port 587.



This is strange. I double-checked it yesterday before posting but now I can't reproduce it with neither firefox nor opera or ie...

I will try to get more information on this, should it happen again.
In the meantime feel free to ignore this report ;)

1.4 beta / Re: Error upon Add a Custom Report
« on: April 26, 2009, 06:40:14 pm »
I just got two different error reports while trying to add a custom report.

Code: [Select]
Session "default" started at 2009-04-26T21:14:42+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: columns in
       '...\reporting\add_custom_report.php' on line 415 (error code: 8)
#2 ERROR: Error: implode() [<a href='function.implode'>function.implode</a>]:
       Invalid arguments passed in '..\reporting\add_custom_report.php' on line 415 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 0.169736146927 seconds

Session "default" started at 2009-04-26T21:14:42+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in
       '...\controllers\AccessController.class.php' on line 496 (error code: 2)
#2 ERROR: Error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
       '...\controllers\AccessController.class.php' on line 497 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 0.120217084885 seconds

Interesting part:
This only happens with Opera (9.64)
Using Firefox everything works fine. Thus I haven't noticed anything wrong before.

Deutsch / Re: chat oder shoutbox
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:15:22 am »
Im Bereich Applications gibt es bereits Diskussionen über mögliche Umsetzungen eines Chats.

Vielleicht hilft Dir das von mirko geschriebene chat script für OpenGoo weiter?


1.4 beta / [Workspace] "custom properties" section lacks form content
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:02:05 am »
see attached image

1.4 beta / [Company] duplicate "custom properties" link
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:00:34 am »
see attached image

I am able to change the calendar view to show a month or a day.
However, this choice is reset to week view whenever I navigate away from the current view with calendar's "Previous", "Next" or "Go To" button.

Hi Pet,

thank you for your quick reply.

I just setup a local beta installation and tested the custom report feature.  The improvements to the reporting module are great!

Unfortunately it doesn't help in my case. Since the old values of contact and company data are dismissed when updating fields they can't be retrieved from the database by the reporting tool.

Before posting this feature request I read through the SaF page. I did not find a matching entry but with "User activity log" you have probably pointed out the most similar at least. However my impression was that neither of them dealt with "which data should be stored" but "how to serve already stored data" instead.

Is there any way to read more details about the Features on the SaF page?


Ideas / Re: Another Request For Gantt
« on: April 25, 2009, 04:36:03 pm »
But no documentation.
You probably missed the "Learn more" link in the top right corner ;)
Documentation and "about".

"Gantter is a personal project of Volodymyr Mazepa, software project manager from Ukraine. While working for a software development company I needed a web-based solution where I could plan and manage projects. But existing solutions did not meet my needs. After the company did not survive due to the global recession I dedicated my free time to refresh my (a bit forgotten after a few years of project management) development skills and make Gantter a reality. See my email address in Gantter (Help->About) and feel free to contact me on any question."

Currently, OpenGoo offers information about when and by whom a company or contact entry has been edited.

In my opinion this does not add much value to the company/contact data as long as you are not able to actually get an idea about what changes have been made.

I attached two screenshots that show different ways of implementing this detailed history.

The first one (from the tine 2.0 project) is rather compact. Instead of displaying OpenGoo's " Company X updated" a list of all changed fields is shown.

The second way (epesi) displays every changed field in its own row including the old and new value.
I woudn't care much about the first and last section ("Current Record" and "Original Record") as it is completely redundant but I like the middle part ("Changes History") very much.
This is exactly what I would love seeing in OpenGoo's Company and Contacts history respectively.

Would be great to read your thoughts on this :)


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