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Messages - Villie

Pages: [1]
How To's / Re: Email Reminders AGAIN!!!
« on: September 15, 2009, 11:01:46 am »
Thanks for your reply by the way Chris.

I still haven't had any luck with email reminders but I'm starting to think the problem lies with my how my hosting does cron jobs. I'm going to setup a different way of periodically executing the cron.php script and I'll post anything I think might be of use.


How To's / Email Reminders AGAIN!!!
« on: September 08, 2009, 02:11:57 am »
I must be a bit obtuse. Nobody else seems to be having issues with email reminders. I posted a while ago with this very problem but still haven't been able to resolve it.

I'm currently on 1.5.3 and my cron command is "php -q /home/.../public_html/.../cron.php". I've tested this command with a test.php and it works fine but the output from cron.php is "No output generated" - I'm not even getting '0 reminders sent'.

Could someone that has email reminders working please post
a) there cron command
b) the contents of their cron.php file

Even better, someone could hold my hand while they walk me through it.

Thanks. That fixed it up.

I'm on FF3.5 with very recent PHP, mysql. Whenever i try to execute a 'Total Task Execution Time' Report I get a db qry error.

Session "default" started at 2009-07-31T07:46:27+0000
#1 DEBUG: SQL ERROR: Query failed with message 'Table '' doesn't exist' - SELECT `ts`.*, `ws0`.`name` AS `wsName0`, `ws0`.`id` AS `wsId0` FROM (`og_timeslots` AS `ts`, `og_project_tasks` AS `pt`, `og_projects` AS `pr`, `og_workspace_objects` AS `wo`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `pr` AS `ws0` ON `pr`.`p2` = `ws0`.`id` WHERE `ts`.`object_manager` = 'ProjectTasks'  AND `pt`.`id` = `ts`.`object_id` AND `pt`.`trashed_by_id` = 0 AND `wo`.`object_manager` = 'ProjectTasks' AND `wo`.`object_id` = `ts`.`object_id` AND `wo`.`workspace_id` = `pr`.`id` AND `pr`.`id` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `og_projects` WHERE (`p1` = 12 OR `p2` = 12 OR `p3` = 12 OR `p4` = 12 OR `p5` = 12 OR `p6` = 12 OR `p7` = 12 OR `p8` = 12 OR `p9` = 12 OR `p10` = 12) AND `id` IN (SELECT `og_project_users`.`project_id` FROM `og_project_users` WHERE ((`og_project_users`.`user_id` = '1') OR (`og_project_users`.`user_id` IN (SELECT `group_id` FROM `og_group_users` WHERE `og_group_users`.`user_id` = '1'))))) AND `ts`.`start_time` >= '2009-07-24 14:00:00'  AND (`ts`.`paused_on` <> 0 OR `ts`.`end_time` <> 0 AND `ts`.`end_time` < '2009-07-31 14:00:00')  ORDER BY `wsName0` ASC,  `start_time`
Time since start: 0.167913913727 seconds

Looks like a table hasn't been renamed or renamed incorrectly during the manual upgrade from 1.4.1 since the table should probably be ...og_projects rather than

Any ideas?

Older versions / Re: fatal error
« on: June 15, 2009, 11:04:07 pm »
I had exactly the same problem. Running the goo for months and suddenly 'Fatal Error' on the login page. My issue was due to the fact that the drive I was hosted on had run out of room but my hosting quota wasn't full. A quick discussion with the host and all was sorted. Goo up and running again.

How To's / Email Reminders Not Working
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:13:56 pm »
Hi all,

I'm having a bit of trouble using the email reminders. My cron job executes every 20 mins and has the output of :

2009-06-11 16:20:02 - Sending reminders...
2009-06-11 16:20:04 - 7 reminders sent.
Cron Job Complete

This output is sent to me from my web host to my webmaster email every time a cron job is executed.

Of the 7 reminders above (referring to the 'og_object_reminders' table) a couple of their 'user_id' fields are set to my user id and a couple are set to '0' (where 'remind all subscribers' is checked).

Under 'og_cron_events' table, the 'send_reminders' is enabled along with 'purge_trash' and password expirations.

So all the backend data seems to be fine but I never get the email reminders at my email address corresponding to my user_id.

I've tried to look through the events classes called from cron.php but didn't get very far.

Any ideas? Anyone with similar problems.

How To's / Overview not syncing
« on: February 21, 2009, 10:17:42 pm »
Since this is my first post I feel compelled to say what an amazing piece of software Opengoo is and a huge thanks to the guys who put it together - it's been an enormous help to me.

I have 2 questions:
1) If I create a user with Workspace 'creation' permissions and he creates a workspace directly under 'all' - I as administrator can't see it by default unless I go to my permissions and manually give myself access. Is there anyway to give admin default permissions to all workspaces (except for personal I guess) no matter who creates them? OR since he created it under 'all' does it act as a personal workspace for him?
2) When a user creates a calendar event under a workspace I (admin) have permissions to that event doesn't come up in MY overview but it appears in theirs (tasks, however, appear in both). The calendar filter is set to view all users. Not sure what's happening here?

Any suggestions?

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