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Messages - dirk

Pages: [1]
Feng Office 2 / Re: version 2.1: time tracking
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:43:44 am »
We have a same or similar problem. The access rights were not completly transfered from 1.75 - we have to set them manually for each project directory. Useing the root folder to get it to the sub folders doesn´t work. Not so nice but we can workaround...

Okay guys, i have finished the script successfully, but the system doesn´t work!

Your update script is a mess!! Hope you will not continue the project with this quality. If so you can even stop it!!

Very very disappointed, wasted several hours of work now...

update: i found the problem. on my host the following function always give the same output:
really, no change! it´s a static value.

i now changed the "complete_migration.php" to a number counter which stops after 100 objects - instead of the memory check. additonally i added a meta refresh so i don´t have to make the reload myself. looks like it works, currently he is working on my 90.000 objects.

Hello there!

I managed to finish the Upgrade Step 1 successfully.
But now useing "complete_migration.php" runs and runs, stops + leaves a white blank screen. And this for hours now.

I watched the database rows and size and can´t see any progress.
Especially not in the "processed_objects" table.

What can i do to fill up that table? is it normally filled in the first step of the upgrade. or is it done in the "complete_migration.php" file? i think it is in the "complete_migration.php". but it doesn´t work for me.

we have around 270.000 objects in the old table "og_workspace_objects". with a total DB size of 2,5 GB at the moment (old + new tables together!).

After looking into the code of "complete_migration.php" i think the memory limit is still to small for me. i changed it to 4GB but it still gives the blank screen and an empty "processed_objects" table.

Any hints or informations?

p.s. i only have one error in the log file:

Session "default" started at 2012-05-27T00:18:04+0000
#1 ERROR: Error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in '/var/www/vhosts/' on line 47 (error code: 2)
Time since start: 74.254972934723 seconds

Best regards

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