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Messages - larmarange

Pages: [1]
Français / Re: Bug édition d'une Tache (FR uniquement)
« on: December 18, 2008, 07:18:13 am »
Peut être faudrait-il signaler ce souci aux développeurs ?

Feature requests / Re: Ideas from Xwiki Workspaces
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:46:28 am »
The concept of current groups in Opengoo is not very powerfull and not very practical.

I think it would be more practical just to have a status for each member. A member can be an admin, a power user or a single user (names can be changed, adding guest ???).

Admins decides the general configuration of the site and general rights of each status :
- Adding a new user : admins only, admins and power members only, everybody.
- Creating a group : admins only, admins and power members only, everybody
- Public inscription authorized ? Yes No
- Available applications : documents (Y/N), tasks (Y/N), calendars (Y/N) etc.

Another concept of group as a working group of member is more clear (like in Google Groups).
A group can be created only by authorized members.
A group is the root for workspaces.
A group can be private (only members of the group can see it), public (only members can modify it but everybody can see it) or open (every body can modify it).
The creator of a group can choose which applications (tasks, calendar, files, etc.) are available for this group.
The creator chose who is member of the groupe : admin member, writer or reader. So rights for groups members are defined only group by group. It is less work for general admins.

Français / Re: Bug édition d'une Tache (FR uniquement)
« on: December 17, 2008, 10:54:14 am »
Et tant qu'on y est,
bug équivalent pour afficher laliste des utilisateurs dans l'administration.

Modif à effectuer dans actions.php :
   'update avatar' => 'Modifier l\\\'avatar',

et dans messages.php :
   'confirm delete user' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce compte utilisateur ?\nCette action supprimera aussi le contexte personnel de l\\\'utilisateur.',

Cela signifie-t-il que toutes les apostrophes doivent être précédes de \\\ ?

Français / Re: Bug édition d'une Tache (FR uniquement)
« on: December 17, 2008, 10:43:51 am »
Bug trouvé.

Dans le fichier de langue general.php, il faut modifier l'entrée 'confirm move to trash' ainsi :

'confirm move to trash' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir déplacer l\\\'objet sélectionné dans la corbeille ?',

Français / Re: Bug édition d'une Tache (FR uniquement)
« on: December 17, 2008, 10:19:13 am »
Le même bug se rencontre en 1.1 RC1 concernant la page des propriétés d'un fichier (uniquement en français).

Français / Re: OpenGoo 1.1 beta déjà en français !
« on: December 17, 2008, 09:27:28 am »
Merci pour cette réactivité

Feature requests / Ideas from Xwiki Workspaces
« on: December 17, 2008, 06:48:15 am »
I try Xwiki Workspaces ( and some functionalities are interesting for OpenGoo.

First, it is possible to activate public inscription to the site or to authorize power member or single member to add new user in the system.

An option allow to authorize every member to create a new workspace. Then this user is administrator of the workspace and just of this workspace. He can choices the other members (writer or just reader) of the workspace and to invite not registered user in the system.

The main idea is that every body can create a workspace but can just manage workspace where he is admin.

In OpenGoo, it is not possible yet to have different rights (admin, writer, reader) for different workspaces.

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