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Messages - chuelibrueder

Pages: [1]
Community Contributions / Re: Added tasks to iCalendar export
« on: August 12, 2010, 03:55:30 pm »
I don't have a clue where the ORGANIZER tag appears in KDE. It does appear in lightning, when you click on a task and look at the Task details at the bottom (Andrea Jberg in the printscreen). You can also add the column by clicking the light blue button at the top right corner of the printscreen. Sorry that's not true.

Concerning the HTML-Problem: This "X-KDE-TEXTFORMAT=HTML..." is a special property (x-param) for KDE, but since this only works in KDE, there's really no point in adding this to the file for everyone. You can easily add it yourself in the ClassFormatUtilities.php file by changing the line starting with $description.

Community Contributions / Re: Added tasks to iCalendar export
« on: August 11, 2010, 10:03:13 am »
Here you go,

included ORGANIZER-Tag and Link to the task in the description.


Community Contributions / Update for version 1.7
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:23:56 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I've been working on updating this for version 1.7. I've got a working version and I've also inplemented some changes.

I've made the following changes:

1. I've changed the feed, so the export isn't VEVENT anymore, but VTODO.

This means that the feed will show up as task in sunbird/lightning/rainlendar, or whatever ical-client you're using. It doesn't work with google calendar because they haven't implemented VTODO-feeds, but feeding to google is really crappy anyway.

It is definitly working in lightning and rainlendar and ist rfc2445 compatible.

2. I've added the projekt and all it's parent projekts as categories, so you will be able to sort the tasks according to the projects.

3. I've changed the way the feeds are called Assuming you have the following link in the calendar:

To get all the open task you need to add "&tsk=1":

To only get the task assignet to the respective user you also need to add "&usrs=1":

What hasn't changed ist the file that need to be addapted in your fengoffice installation. That's still CalFormatUtilities.php and FeedController.class.php.

Attached you find the the too adapted files. And feel free to ask questions if you have any trouble. But as always us at your own risk.

Greetings Chuelibrueder

Just to complete the story.

After fixing this first bug with google calendar I noticed an other bug with google calendar. The timezone was not accepted by google so the dates where read as if they were greenich mean time, and the time was always of by an hour (depending on where you are). This too is a well known bug of google calendar, which hasn't been fixed for years. I guess I could have fixed that too by writing some code to add the appropriate number of hours to the feed. But then I noticed yet an other problem. The feed is cached by google calendar and only refreshed about every 24 hours, also changes on existing dates are never checked for. After this I was so pissed of I just couldn't be bothered anymore.

Really the only thing I wanted, was to feed the dates to my windows mobile phone. The solution I now have works very well, without any bug: I'm feeding the calendar into Lightning (Thunderbird Calendar Add on) and then from there by Birdiesync to my mobile phone. It doesn't work over the air, but at least it works. If anyone needs any help with this solution, just post a note, I'm happy to help

I found myself a work arround, this will probably break the ical feed and export for most other ical clients, but since I only use it in google calendar I don't care. It seems to be a bug with google calendar which hasn't been fixed for the last two years.

Anyway, I replaced

Code: [Select]
return $ical_info;

Code: [Select]
$umlaut = array("ü", "ä", "ö", "Ü", "Ä", "Ö");
$vokal = array("ü", "ä", "ö", "Ü", "Ä", "Ö");

$ical_info_latin = str_replace($umlaut, $vokal, utf8_decode($ical_info));

return $ical_info_latin;

pretty much at the end of CalFormatUtilities.php

I'm trying to read a calendar into google calendar using the ical link at the top right corner. Basically it works, but google calender doesn't seem to read the file as utf-8 encoded. This means that all my german character (üöä) end up looking like this "��".

According to some forum aswer something like this needs to be added to the header

Code: [Select]
header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8');
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$cal");

but I really don't know where to add this.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Is there a solution for this?


How To's / Re: go to older emails/go to next page
« on: July 14, 2010, 05:59:23 am »
Okay, Problem solved.

The bar appeared after a reload

How To's / go to older emails/go to next page
« on: July 14, 2010, 05:27:08 am »
This is probably a stupid question but, I don't seem to be able to look at older email, except by reordering emails using one of the available collumns.

Understandably only about 50 emails are shown in my Inbox. Usually there is something like "go to next page" link in an email client, but I just can't figure out how to look at the next 50 emails. Is there really no way to look at emails except by the search option or reordering emails?

I'm using fengoffice 1.7

Thanks a lot for your work allenlook

Is it correct that only task are shown which are part of a milestone?

I think task without a milestone should also be shown, groupt according to their workspace, or if that's to complicated wihtout grouping.

Sadly the php is already to complicated for me to make an attempt. I didn't understand how the query is done.

Greetings chuelibrueder

Just a little info about the code to integrate gantt in a tab. For me it was important to have no linebreak in the following code from allenlook before
Code: [Select]

(The complete post ist on page 5)

Third, you add the tab to the tab panel by adding the following section to 'public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js'.  Add it just BEFORE the following line of code: og.panels.reporting = new og.ContentPanel({

Code: [Select]
// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
title: lang('labs'),
id: 'labs-panel',
iconCls: 'ico-labs',
refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
defaultContent: {
type: 'html',
data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0"
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

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