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Topics - spingary

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Community Contributions / Added tasks to iCalendar export
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:21:01 pm »
I love the iCalendar export feature.  I use it to add my Feng calendar to my Google Calendar, then all my Google calendars gets synced to my Palm Pre. It works great.

The problem is that the Feng iCalendar export does not export tasks.  So I hacked it to do so.  Hopefully this might find its way to the core.

Two files are updated and attached:

Since tasks have no start/end times, they export as date events with no time. In Google Calendar they show up on the top of each day.  This is nice in that it shows me what I am supposed to be working on from day to day without crowding my calendar time slots.

To use it, simply get the iCalendar URL like you normally do, and add the parameter "&p=1" to tell it you want project tasks exported as well.

For example, the URL might be:

You just have to change it to:

Oh, and you can change the display name of the calendar by simply changing the "n" parameter. So instead of "&n=Gary%20W" I changed it to "&n=Projects%20Calendar" and it shows up on my Palm Pre as "Projects Calendar"

Hope someone finds this useful.

PS This is not fully tested so use as your own risk.  I hope all pulled the project tasks correctly!

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