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Topics - fernandog

Pages: [1] 2
Community Contributions / no auto-subscribe
« on: July 12, 2010, 03:18:50 pm »
Hi there,

Does anyone know how to turn off "auto-subscribe"?
that is, when you comment ir edit an object you are automatically subscribed to it. I'd like to turn this off.

This should be a setting in the admin configuration

I'm trying to get this to work if anyone has any ideas or point me in the right direction that would be great.

I would like another dropdown list in the task module called presets.
When any of the options on this list is selected, all the filters change to match it.
"My todo list" would show tasks assigned to: me status:pending order by: duedate.
"Tasks for grabs" would show tasks assigned to: unassigned status:pending group by: workspace
you get the point...

These presets could be hardcoded for now but ideally the functionality of  allowing the user to create their own presets would be added.

Hi there,

Does anyone know where is the trigger to the "task has been modified" email notification?

I would like to hack it out of the code.


Hi there,

In case anyone would find this useful, this code displays the direct URL to the task in view, and a "copy" link which copies the path to the clipboard so it can be shared with other users (ie, pasted into an email)

Simply paste this code anywhere in application/views/task/task_list.php

Code: [Select]
<b>Task URL:</b>


function ClipBoard()
holdtext.innerText = copytext.innerText;
Copied = holdtext.createTextRange();

<SPAN ID="copytext">
http://localhost/fengoffice/index.php?c=task&a=view_task&id=<?php echo ($task_list->getId()) ?>
<TEXTAREA ID="holdtext" STYLE="display:none;">
<a href="#" onClick="ClipBoard();">(copy)</a>

Substitute "http://localhost/fengoffice" for the path you use to get to FengOffice

Hi there,

Can anyone tell me how to default "Assigned to:" field to "Me" (logged user) when creating a subtask?

This dropdown box is in applications/ views/task/task_list.php

Code: [Select]
<?php echo assign_to_select_box("task[assigned_to]"$task_list->getProject(), null, array('id' => 'addTaskAssignTo' $task_list->getId())) ?>
This little change will save me much trouble, as my team often accidentally assigns subtask to other people!!
Thank you!

Development / Help? Prepopulating Task Title field
« on: June 16, 2010, 03:22:27 pm »

I'd like to know if anyone can help me with this. Seems pretty simple but I have not been able to do it.

Say I view a task (ie, "clean the house"), I click on "Add subtask".
The form for adding a subtask comes up.

I want the subtask title field to be prepopulated with the parent's task title ("clean the house")

This field is located in application/views/task/task_list.php here:

Code: [Select]
<?php echo text_field("task[title]"null, array('class' => 'title''id' => 'addTaskTitle' $task_list->getId())) ?>
I figured out that this code shows the parent's task title:
Code: [Select]
<?php echo ($task_list->getTitle())?>
So, basically, I want this text field to display the value of $task_list->getTitle()



Ideas / "Apply" button in task filter
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:12:57 pm »
 I find it bothersome that the  task list automatically refreshes everytime I select a new filter.

For example, if I want want to quickly look at my top priority tasks grouped by milestones, I need to wait for three refreshes before I get to the screen I want: (assigned to: me *refresh*, order by: milestones *refresh*, order by: priority *refresh*)

With a large number of tasks, each refresh takes a long time to load.

I would find it more useful if we had a button ("apply"), so I could set my filter criteria and then hit "apply".

Development / Applying Start/Due date to all subtasks (resolved)
« on: June 14, 2010, 03:48:51 pm »

I finally figured out how to do this, I hope some of you will find it usefull.

This hack basically adds a little checkbox for "Apply Duedate to Subtasks" when editing or creating a parent task.

Just add the following lines of code to the files listed bellow.
taskcontroller.class.php line 258
Code: [Select]
$due_date = $task->getDueDate();

taskcontroller.class.php line 261
Code: [Select]
$apply_dd = array_var($task_data, 'apply_duedate_subtasks', '') == "checked";

taskcontroller.class.php line 274
Code: [Select]
if ($apply_dd) {


taskcontroller.class.php line 1063
Code: [Select]
$due_date = $task->getDueDate();

taskcontroller.class.php line 1066
Code: [Select]
$apply_dd = array_var($task_data, 'apply_duedate_subtasks') == "checked";
taskcontroller.class.php line 1079
Code: [Select]
if ($apply_dd) {

actions.php  line 81

Code: [Select]
'apply duedate to subtasks' => 'Apply Due Date to Subtasks',

lang.js line 693
Code: [Select]
'apply duedate to subtasks': 'Apply DueDate to Subtasks',
'duedate': 'Due Date',

add_task.php line 200
Code: [Select]
<?php echo checkbox_field('task[apply_duedate_subtasks]'array_var($task_data'apply_duedate_subtasks'false), array("id" => "$genid-checkapplydd")) ?><label class="checkbox" for="<?php echo "$genid-checkapplydd" ?>"><?php echo lang('apply duedate to subtasks'?></label></div>[/pre]

Feature requests / Documents should have version number in filename
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:52:28 pm »
When a document is checked out, it should have the revision number in the filename, eg: "Proposal (7).doc"

Some users in my team have mistakenly uploaded the wrong version, which for some reason screws up the entire revision history and all previous versions turn blank (i guess that's a bug :-[)

Feature requests / Subtask should inherit parent's task properties
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:30:50 pm »
I think I have mention this before in other posts but never created a separate topic.

I use tasks/subtasks alot and one of my major pain points with this is that when something changes in the parent task (ie, start/due dates), there is no way for the subtasks to inherit this.

We have option to "apply Workspace to subtask" and "apply milestone to subtask".

>> Could we add "apply start/due dates to subtask"?

I'd also like things like "description" and "linked objects" to be inhertied if possible. However start/due dates are the most important in my opinion.
I have tried for months hacking this in with little success :(

If anyone can do it or point me in the right direction that would be AWESOME!


Ideas / Quick way to add Weblinks
« on: February 04, 2010, 04:43:11 pm »
I find it slightly bothersome that I have to go to the "Weblinks" module to add a weblink. I typically use the weblinks to link an external site/document to an object/task/note.

It would be nice if this ability would be embedded in the "Link Objects" dialog.

Ie, whenever in an object, select "Link Objects" and when click on "weblink" user can choose a weblink or simple add a new one.

This isnt a huge pain point but rather a 'nice to have' feature if implementation is not too costly

Ideas / Ability to Add Modules
« on: February 04, 2010, 04:39:12 pm »
Not sure if this has been brought up before or if anyone's figured it out
I would find useful the ability to add modules. Perhaps these modules could simply embed another site (external or internal).

Does that make sense? Does anyone see the use in this?

As it is now, when I open a task (the view where you see the task description, linked objects, etc), when I click on "add task", i can enter a task  name and asignee, but no start/due date. I have to create the task, then hit edit and it takes me to another screen.

It would be GREAT if those options were there, or at least a link to "more options" to allow for options such as start/due date, workspace, it is when creating a subtask directly in the tasklist view.

It would make for an easier workflow when creating subtasks that require start/due date, as well for consistency across the app. Ideally, a checkbox to inherit the parent's properties would be the best, but that would require more dev work and I already suggested it on another post  ;)

Feature requests / Private Tasks
« on: October 26, 2009, 02:00:40 pm »
It would be  nice if you could have a task that is only visible for the ones subscribed to it.

So, when creating a task, a little "private" checkbox could be available (or even checked by default), so other members in the workspace could not see it or modify it, unless they get subscribed.


How To's / Permission: Mark other user's task as complete?
« on: October 19, 2009, 01:48:08 pm »

I'd like to know if there is a way of preventing users from modifying other user's tasks.

I want everyone to be able to create tasks and assign them to whoever, but NOT mark someone else's task as 'complete' or make changes to them.

Any ideas?


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