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Topics - claudio

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Links in reports
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:48:28 pm »

In 1.5.2, when you generate a report, a link to the related object was automatically created.
In 1.6.1, I could not find a way to create a link to the object.

Please, restore this usefull feature !!!.


Older versions / Lost Features (Version 1.6.1)
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:42:02 am »

This features stopped working between version 1.5.2 and 1.6.1

Work Area selector
In 1.5.2, clicking on the link "All" (just to the right of the main icon OpenGoo) it expanded the list of  "work areas".
In version 1.6.1 does not work.

Links in Reports
In 1.5.2, when you generate a report, a link to the related object was automatically created.
In 1.6.1, I could not find a way to create a link to the object.


Older versions / Error "undefined variable" (Version 1.6.1)
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:25:56 am »

This is a problem that I've solved it and I want to report.

A message of  "undefined variable" was generated in log.php for
/var/www/" on line 454

I've changed
      $option = UserWsConfigOptions::getByName($option);
      $option = UserWsConfigOptions::getByName($option_name);


Feature requests / Smarter popup messages
« on: October 04, 2009, 10:26:38 am »
When you've used Outlook , ReminderFox or other reminder system notifications you really miss the ability to interact with notifiers in the same way in OpenGoo .

I think that should not be too difficult to add to the "popup reminders" of OpenGoo options such as:
- OK
- Defer X minutes, hours or days.
- Open the related item.

What do you think about it?

Feature requests / Collapse/Expand on Comments
« on: October 03, 2009, 10:20:32 am »
Hi !!!

I am an intensive user of descriptions and comments, especialy in Tasks and Notes..

In fact, I have added a WikiText component to desciptions and comments.
One thing I would like to add to the comments in OpenGoo, is a Collapse / Expand button to each comment, something like I found in this sample:

What do you thik about this?

Regards, Claudio.

Feature requests / Contact Reminders
« on: September 18, 2009, 07:40:06 pm »
It would be useful to set reminders for Contacts.


Feature requests / Calendar features
« on: September 18, 2009, 07:36:03 pm »
I have two suggestions for calendar funtionality:

1. A "Pospose" option for "PopUp Reminders"
2. Copy (duplicate) an Event


Feature requests / Calendar: Add "Repeating Event" options
« on: September 13, 2009, 11:57:47 am »
I really appreciate to have in OpenGoo with repeat options (present as standard in other calendars and supported in iCalendar), such as "First Monday of every month" or "Second Friday of July"


How To's / New module
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:56:07 am »
I'm thinking to try to develop a module for billing.
I supose to replicate and customize the Notes module (one note = one invoice :o))
Is there some guide to do this?

Thank you.

How To's / Reports from cron
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:27:10 am »
Is there some way to run reports from cron?


Older versions / 1.5.2: Time report does not print
« on: August 31, 2009, 09:26:14 am »
This problem exists at least from version 1.4.2

The invocation sequence is:

Time -> Print Report -> Select something -> Generate Report -> Print View

I get de message:
Lo lamentamos, pero OpenGoo no es capaz de ejecutar su petición. Un informe de lo sucedido ha sido enviado al administrador.
The log.php says:

Session "default" started at 2009-08-31T12:08:43+0000
#1 DEBUG: SQL ERROR: Query failed with message 'Unknown column '' in 'order clause'' - SELECT `ts`.* FROM `og_timeslots` AS `ts`, `og_project_tasks` AS `pt`, `og_projects` AS `pr`, `og_workspace_objects` AS `wo` WHERE `ts`.`object_manager` = 'ProjectTasks'  AND `pt`.`id` = `ts`.`object_id` AND `pt`.`trashed_by_id` = 0 AND `wo`.`object_manager` = 'ProjectTasks' AND `wo`.`object_id` = `ts`.`object_id` AND `wo`.`workspace_id` = `pr`.`id` AND `pr`.`id` IN (SELECT `og_project_users`.`project_id` FROM `og_project_users` WHERE ((`og_project_users`.`user_id` = '2') OR (`og_project_users`.`user_id` IN (SELECT `group_id` FROM `og_group_users` WHERE `og_group_users`.`user_id` = '2')))) AND `ts`.`start_time` >= '2009-08-31 15:08:44'  AND (`ts`.`paused_on` <> 0 OR `ts`.`end_time` <> 0 AND `ts`.`end_time` < '2009-08-31 15:08:44')  ORDER BY `` ASC, `` ASC, `` ASC,  `start_time`
#2 FATAL: exception 'DBQueryError' with message 'Query failed with message 'Unknown column '' in 'order clause''' in /var/www/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/ AbstractDBAdapter->prepareAndExecute('SELECT `ts`.* F...', NULL)
    #1 /var/www/ AbstractDBAdapter->executeAll('SELECT `ts`.* F...', NULL)
    #2 /var/www/ DB::executeAll('SELECT `ts`.* F...')
    #3 /var/www/ Timeslots::getTaskTimeslots(NULL, NULL, 'SELECT `og_proj...', Object(DateTimeValue), Object(DateTimeValue), 0, Array, NULL, 0, 0, 0)
    #4 /var/www/ ReportingController->total_task_times(Object(stdClass))
    #5 /var/www/ ReportingController->total_task_times_print()
    #6 /var/www/ Controller->execute('total_task_time...')
    #7 /var/www/ PageController->execute('total_task_time...')
    #8 /var/www/ Env::executeAction('reporting', 'total_task_time...')
    #9 /var/www/ require('/var/www/')
    #10 {main}

¿Any solution?


Older versions / 1.5.2: Custom properties disapear
« on: August 24, 2009, 10:37:48 am »
When you edit "Custom Properties" previous values disapear.

If you add a "Custom Property", it is displayed in the object view, but when you go to edit it again, all the previous values disapear.

This work fine until 1.4.2


1.4 final / Document Preview
« on: May 24, 2009, 08:41:22 am »
Congratulations for the new release !!!

I'm testing de new 1.4 release before put it on production and I found the following error at the Document Preview Pane:

Caught Exception in AutoLoader: exception 'Exception' with message 'Could not find class file for "DOMDOCUMENT"' in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ AutoLoader->loadClass('DOMDOCUMENT') #1 /var/www/ AutoLoader->loadClass('DOMDOCUMENT') #2 [internal function]: __autoload('DOMDocument') #3 /var/www/ class_exists('DOMDocument') #4 /var/www/ HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create(Object(HTMLPurifier_Config)) #5 /var/www/ HTMLPurifier->purify('
display_content() #8 /var/www/ Controller->execute('display_content') #9 /var/www/ PageController->execute('display_content') #10 /var/www/ Env::executeAction('files', 'display_content') #11 /var/www/ require('/var/www/') #12 {main}

I searched for the definition of a class named "DomDocument" and I have not found it.
Any suggestion?
Thank you.

General Discussion / Style in Lists
« on: May 03, 2009, 11:00:17 am »
Hello !!!

In most lists of objects, visual dominance is more "Who" and "Where" than "What".

For example: (1)

   Tareas no completadas
   Claudio P: Internet - DMZ - Servidores   
   Claudio P: Servidor ML110 (chopin)   

   Tareas pendientes
   Conocimiento  Claudio P: Probar antivirus para PenDrive
   Varios  Claudio P: Sitio de Trabajos IT Freelance
   Conocimiento  Claudio P: Revisar Google Apps

From my point of view, it would be more clear to use if the attribute emphasized were the Title of the object (task, note, etc.).

For example: (2)

   Tareas pendientes
   Conocimiento  Claudio P: Probar antivirus para PenDrive
   Varios  Claudio P: Sitio de Trabajos IT Freelance
   Conocimiento  Claudio P: Revisar Google Apps

or better (but more difficult to change)

   Tareas pendientes
   Probar antivirus para PenDrive: Claudio P  Conocimiento
   Sitio de Trabajos IT Freelance: Claudio P Varios
   Revisar Google Apps  Claudio P Conocimiento

I thought it would be possible to achieve the layout of the example (2) modifying the stylesheets, but checking the source code I found that the elements (title, assignedTo, etc.) not always are associated with a class that can be changed in a CSS.

I could modify the code, but first I would like to hear your opinion.


Feature requests / Formatting Text in Comments
« on: May 03, 2009, 09:27:39 am »
Since this is my first post, I want to comment on two things:

1. My English is not very good (I'll try to write as best as possible)

2. I really like  OpenGoo.  After evaluating several similar programs, I decided to try implement OG as my PM utility.

It is possible to add some method of formatting text in the comments (for example, something like the editor to which I am writing this post, or any method WikiText) ?

Pages: [1]