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Messages - johannes

Pages: [1]
Feng Office 2 / Cannot suscribe to posts
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:11:32 am »
I have a problem with a freshly installed Fengoffice 2 RC install:

Suscribing users to objects (tasks in particular) does not work - the suscription groupbox (where you normally can pick the users to add) it empty.
Also when editing a task and clicking "edit suscribers" an empty AJAX popup window appears with again no possibility to add users.

This effectively disabled email notifications in fengoffice.
Searching the forums I did not find any similar issues by other people.
Please see the screenshots for details.

My system: Newest Fengoffice 2 RC, standad LAMP, not using the e-mail module (though sending a test email works just fine), had to disable the "USING BTREE" statement from the initial DB dump.

Thanks for helping out!

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