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Other Topics => Development => Community Contributions => : allenlook February 25, 2010, 01:40:43 PM

: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 25, 2010, 01:40:43 PM
NOTE:  If you're just coming here to explore adding Gantt charts to your Feng Office installation, you only need to read the first two posts in this thread to install the latest code, with the latest instructions.  All the other pages of posts are discussion about improvements and bugs that are then fixed ASAP and posted back to these first two posts...  There may be some idiosyncrasies between MySQL or PHP installations that can't be resolved however, and the additional pages of posts might help you in that regard.

Let's begin...

As you know, we need a way to make Gantt charts from Feng Office, and we looked for several weeks at different avenues.  Google Visualizations, FlashCharts, java scripts, etc.  All had severe limitations - not printable, not feature-rich enough, required non open-source or non-free software, etc.

We finally settled on integrating the free jsGantt javascript into Feng Office.  It requires the creation of a few views in MySQL which we will provide, and that is about it.  The jsGantt feature does not have to be loaded into a tab in Feng Office if you do not wish to do so, but we opted for it as it gave a more "one-stop-shop" feeling for our users.

We have made what we consider minor improvements to jsGantt, but they are not material to its function, and it will work just fine in its base form if you download it from jsGantt.com.  The version referenced here is 1.2, and it looks like this:


There is a data-selection form which appears on the Feng Office tab and which allows you to select one or more workspaces, and/or one or more users to determine what will be charted.  You may also optionally specify a start and end date for the tasks that will be included on the chart, whether to inherit colors from the workspaces, and whether or not to display percent complete, duration, start/end date, and resource for each task.

Tasks in personal workspaces are never included.

Clicking on a task or milestone that is assigned to someone will also open a new e-mail address to that person, and with the task name as the subject.

Step one, if you decide you want to integrate the Gantt chart onto a tab, will be to follow the steps oulined in the "Hello World" posts in this forum and elsewhere, to give the Gantt chart a place to live within Feng Office. Otherwise, you may just as easily reference the Gantt chart as part of the same or even a separate website from Feng Office, it only needs access to your Feng Office database.

I've outlined the steps I took to integrate the tab in a message later in this thread, which you can access here - http://forums.fengoffice.com/index.php?topic=3826.msg14312#msg14312.
: Re: How to Add JSGantt to Feng Office
: allenlook February 25, 2010, 01:41:34 PM
The next step would be to download the source for jsGantt from jsGantt.com if you wish, but I have also included a full copy of our source code for your reference here and I recommend that you use it.  We have made just a few style tweaks that you might find useful, such as being able to hide the data format selector in print preview mode, and we have added the ability to suppress blank windows and to avoid opening unassigned tasks.  The choice is ultimately yours.

As our copy of jsGantt is integrated with Feng Office, we opted to place the code for it in /fengoffice/application/views/lab, because the name of the tab it lives on right now is "Labs" (we're in beta).  I am including all the files in a zip attachment, called feng_gantt_xx.x.zip, which you will be able to see below if you are logged in to the forum.  There are only five files, including the SQL statements needed to set up the database.  If you want to include the Gantt chart on its own tab as we did, the instructions are included later in this thread (on page 5) and you can jump there by clicking here (http://forums.fengoffice.com/index.php?topic=3826.msg14312#msg14312).

Once you decide where to put your files, you will need to open the index.php file and type in your settings for your MySQL database host, database name, user name and password.  Search for the string GIMMEGANTT to jump right to that section of the file.  You have two options - either you can put your settings right into the index.php file, or you can refer to an include file one level above called "chartglobal.php".  Instructions are in the index.php file.  If you didn't use the default table prefix "og_" when you installed Feng Office, now would be the time to search and replace "og_" here in the index.php file with the prefix you actually used.

OK, that should be it for file editing.  Now let's set up the database to work correctly - you have to create some views, tables, procedures and functions.  It sounds like a lot, but there is a SQL program to do it all for you.

The views will select the workspaces, the milestones, the tasks and subtasks, then union them all together into one view - your web page only has to deal with that one view, the others are "behind the scenes workhorses".   Everything will be alphabetized and sorted correctly by alphabetical, then start/end date order as appropriate.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of feng_gantt, you may wish to drop all the related objects first, as they may be orphaned by 10.0.  There are several objects we no longer use.  All feng_gantt objects start with "my_", so if you do not have any other applications co-mingled with Feng Office, you may be able to safely drop all objects beginning with "my_" - as always, take a backup and use caution if you are not familiar with MySQL.

In your favorite MySQL manager, execute the SQL statements in the file feng_gantt_xx.x.sql (which was included with your html/php files, and which has the version number in place of the xx.x).  That will create the necessary views and functions, all of which are prefixed with "my_" to keep them separate from your "og_" objects.  The SQL statements assume that your database name is "fengoffice_dev", but if it is not, you should do a global search and replace of "fengoffice_dev" with your actual database name.

These functions and views do NOT write anything to your database, they only read from it, so you don't have to worry about them messing up your Feng Office installation.  In fact, if you preferred to install them into their own separate database you could do that as well, as long as you remember to reference your actual Feng Office database in the SQL statements.

Once those views are created and working, your web page should be able to execute.  Bring up the index.php file in your browser of choice (Firefox and IE have been tested - FF is much faster for some reason and does better layout), choose the options you want on your form, and then click 'Submit' to view your Gantt chart.

You will have to option to view the chart in a printer-friendly window (without the form showing) and you can also create a new second (or third) window so you can compare more than one Gantt chart side by side.


: Re: How to Add JSGantt to Feng Office
: allenlook February 25, 2010, 01:42:21 PM
Did you run it all and nothing happened?  Here are some troubleshooting tips:

1.  If you ran everything but the "Labs" tab is blank, you have a problem with the integration of the tab into Feng Office, and not with the gantt functionality most likely.  You can try surfing to the gantt page separately (remember it doesn't have to be on a tab in Feng Office, it works just fine standalone) by typing your fengoffice installation's address into your server followed by /application/views/lab/index.php, so it might look like http://fengoffice.ourcompany.com/application/views/lab/index.php.  If the page works when accessed directly, then you know there's something awry with your tab integration code.

2.  If the selection form comes up but is blank, or only fills in partially, then you have a MySQL security error most likely, or you didn't rename the tables correctly during the installation.  Also remember that Personal workspaces will not show up - it's our attempt at "security".  You can use the "View Source" feature of your browser to look at the actual HTML source code of the page, and look way down at the bottom.  Chances are, the MySQL error is posted there.  Remember that the tab is encapsulated in an <iframe>, and you may have to use Firefox's "This Frame" / "View Frame Source" to see the actual feng_gantt code.

3.  If you made valid selections and no chart appears at the bottom, there's most likely trouble with the data.  Any issues with the data (invalid parentage between tasks, incorrect root, etc.) will cause the gantt chart to not display.  This isn't common however, and we can usually help in this thread.

4.  If you got funny characters in your data, or some of the fields that should contain accents and other special characters are blank, your encoding is incorrect for your data.  Try changing the "Char. Set:" option on the selection form to see if you can improve the data's display.

I think that is everything.  I will keep this message as a placeholder to answer additional questions.

There are a few remaining problems or things I would like to polish.

1.  The ability to print preview better would be awesome.  As this uses many nested DIVs, Firefox especially has trouble with it.  For now I have it working so you can get as many pages vertically as you need, but horizontally you are limited to one. UPDATE: You can print any size chart to PDF with a PDF printer driver such as CutePDF or PDFCreator, and then manipulate it with PDF programs.  Not perfect, but it is the only way to work around the bug in FF/IE.
2. I would like to merge the CSS styles to more closely match Feng Office, but I am not a CSS guru. Done.
3.  I would like to get % Complete working. UPDATE: % Complete is now working to the extent that Feng Office computes % Complete as the number of total tasks/sub-tasks completed, and not really as the amount of time/total time completed.
4.  I would like to get Dependents working.
5.  JSGantt doesn't do layout very nicely in Firefox, the start date and end date get hidden if you have really long task names.  I may need the JSGantt guys to fix that.  UPDATE:  I have added the ability to truncate project and task names at a certain number of characters, and this helps the layout tremendously, while still giving enough of the label to be helpful.  50 seems to be a good number.
6.  Have the Gantt chart reflect what workspace is chosen in Feng Office instead of needing a separate selector.  I have decided against this because I'm quite often printing two or more separate workspaces and Feng Office of course only allows you to select one at a time.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fernandog February 25, 2010, 06:44:35 PM
When i try to run the first statement from the sql file, i get a syntax error
Anyone tried this?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 25, 2010, 07:31:57 PM
My apologies, MySQL snuck a couple of "utf" codes on the end of the SQL statement, simply delete those last two words on the end of the SQL, and I will update the SQL file now.

EDIT: file is now updated, and I tested that the SQL statement runs fine.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 25, 2010, 10:30:51 PM
I believe I've made some improvements to the file.  It now gives 10 rows for selection for those of you with many workspaces, and the workspaces are no longer in alphabetical order, but rather are indented in WBS order.  I will work on re-alphabetizing them by level tomorrow.

NOTE: Again, I wish I knew how Feng Office does it - they obviously do the same thing I need for the workspace tree on the left, but there's no documentation that I'm aware of?

In addition, I believe indenting is preserved even if you choose workspaces far down the tree, which may have been problematic for some.

I will post the file into the thread above as all changes are reflected there.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Pet February 25, 2010, 11:10:48 PM
I don't like Gantts myself, but really well done, congrats on doing good things for the community allenlook!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Henry February 26, 2010, 04:54:39 AM
hello allenlook,

If i execute this sql-code, i see this error.

CREATE VIEW `my_taskparents` ...

#1305 - FUNCTION fengoffice.my_GetMileStone does not exist

Thanks for your work.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 26, 2010, 11:12:09 AM
My apologies (again) - there are actually two functions that must be declared for the views to work.  If I knew how to write a MySQL script I would just package it all up and you could click it once instead of all these different posts - but again I will update the original post so the files are there for people reading the thread anew.

UPDATE: Original post is now updated as "feng_gantt_2.0."

Here is the SQL for the two functions.



DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `fengoffice`.`my_GetMileStone`$$

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `my_GetMileStone`(s CHAR(20)) RETURNS char(50) CHARSET latin1
RETURN (select pWBS from fengoffice.my_milestones where pID=CONCAT(5555555,s))$$




DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `fengoffice`.`my_GetWorkSpace`$$

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `my_GetWorkSpace`(s CHAR(20)) RETURNS char(50) CHARSET latin1
RETURN (select pWBS from fengoffice.my_workspaces where pID=s)$$

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fernandog February 26, 2010, 12:04:37 PM
Hi allen,

Thank you for all your work.

I successfully ran all the commands in the sql file, but my webpage doesnt seem to be working stil. For one, i dont see a submit button, and i dont see the workspaces either.

Has anyone else been able to check this out?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 26, 2010, 12:27:39 PM
Did you enter your MySQL details in the index.php file?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fernandog February 26, 2010, 01:10:48 PM
I did.

I am using opengoo 1.5.2, could that have anything to do with it?

attached the screenshot of what I get
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 26, 2010, 02:10:48 PM
Perhaps you have no resources in your system and the code is dying there?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 26, 2010, 02:43:11 PM
Additional improvements - to be incorporated above.

This time, we are making sure all workspaces are alphabetized within their WBS level, and they are indented properly for easy identification.

This requires one more function, a change to my_workspaces (view), and a tweak to index.php, all of which have been included in the original files above.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 26, 2010, 04:43:47 PM
Additional improvements - the data selection form is now "sticky", in that values you select in the multi-select drop-downs or that you type into the data fields are kept through form submissions.

The dates are also now validated and must be valid dates or they will be reset to NULL.

Original posted file has been consolidated to one file, instructions have been updated and original post has been updated accordingly.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 27, 2010, 05:38:10 PM
% Complete is now working, but not yet posted to the source code files above.  I've also added a checkbox to enable/disable including completed tasks, and I want to finish pulling the color from the workspaces to show on the Gantt before I post another update.  Hopefully sometime this week.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 28, 2010, 11:49:14 AM
I've added a feature that will allow you to "truncate" your workspace/ milestone/ task names to a certain number of characters.  I still need to put a field on the form that allows you to specify the number of characters - 50 seems to be a good number.

Once truncated, the Gantt chart lays out much more nicely.

By truncated, I mean that with a setting of 50, a very long task name will be cut off at 47 characters and a '...' will be added at the end to indicate that the entire string is not being shown.

Enough of it still appears to be useful, and the layout is much improved. 
: Credits
: WiZaxx February 28, 2010, 04:24:33 PM
I'm speechless...
This is just brilliant work so I can only say THANK you for sharing.

like them or not, without Gannt charts it becomes very difficult (if not impossible) to present summarize a project schedule.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Nuno Zimas February 28, 2010, 05:53:10 PM
I am actually quite much into graphing project management data.
This should be definitely added tom the main dev trunk.
Thanks for sharing!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 28, 2010, 07:25:57 PM
While the Feng Office team is welcome to any and all of this work, I do not imagine it is of a quality that they would want to support in its current state.

Thank you for the appreciation though, and we will of course continue to post any improvements.  The Gantt charts are very helpful to us when we are brainstorming and setting up projects initially, and they are helpful when we are communicating to new members, upwards to management, or across to other functions in the business.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook February 28, 2010, 07:35:13 PM
When you deal with really big Gantt charts, you'll find very quickly that Firefox and Internet Explorer will not print a web page that has DIVs that span more than a page width.  These Gantt charts (jsGantt specifically) use DIVs to make the bars on the chart, and as a result everything just gets cut off to a single page, although I have made changes to the CSS of jsGantt to allow it to be printed and previewed on multiple pages vertically with no problem - horizontal is still an issue.  Using just FF or IE you can have a Gantt chart 12 pages tall, but only one page wide!

I have figured out a solution though.  If you install a PDF printer driver, like CutePDF or PDFCreator, you can select it as a printer and specify that your paper is 11x17 landscape.  Then you can fit an entire year on one sheet of paper, and you can also use many other PDF tools to manipulate the output once it's in that format.

Sorry that it's not automatic or polished, but it does work around the bugs that have been in FF and IE literally since 2000!

Bear in mind that the output of the my_jsgantt view is a list of projects and tasks with a work breakdown structure and parent/child relationships intact, and you could also use that view to feed your favorite Gantt program with a little bit of work.

And many thanks to our SQL guru Kevin Stone for doing the heavy lifting with the views!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 01, 2010, 03:57:39 PM
Colors are now being pulled from parent workspaces for all tasks, and the truncate function for task names is working nicely.

Both features have an input field on the data selection form now.

New code will be posted shortly.  The workspace colors require an additional function that will be included in the source code.

UPDATE: Latest source code has been posted to the original thread.  This is all the work I will do on this unless something compelling comes up - it meets our needs as it stands so we need to augment Feng Office in other ways and basically get down to doing the projects that are *in* Feng Office :)  Bugs will be fixed if found of course.  Disclaimer added to indicate you use it completely at your own risk.

If anyone modifies or updates the gantt feature, and would like me to post it here so it's easier for everyone in the community to find the latest and greatest, I'd be glad to do that, just send me a PM or an email and I'll post your updates with due credit.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 01, 2010, 08:08:47 PM
Minor bugs fixed in sub-task nesting and in start/end date logic.  New source code is posted.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: carcam March 01, 2010, 09:53:08 PM
Dear allenlook,
I am very excited with this contribution and willing to install it in my server. Nevertheless, when I try to execute your SQL code in the server to create the views, I get the following error:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER $$

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `fengoffice`.`my_GetMileStone`$$

CREA' at line 1

Any idea of the problem?

PS: Lots of thanks for this great work.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 02, 2010, 01:44:36 PM
You're very welcome.  Perhaps you could post the whole SQL statement and we could take a look - something may have been left out during the cut-and-paste.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Henry March 03, 2010, 04:39:29 AM
Hello allenlook,

i can not execute the sql command and if i open the file  feng_gantt_5.1.sql i see 5 functions declaration of my_GetMileStoneColor().  ???

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gain March 03, 2010, 09:48:47 AM
Thank you very much for your work.

I'm trying to install it on Feng Office 1.6.2, but have problems with sql script:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 50: Table 'fengoffice.my_workspaces' doesn't exist

Tried also with a new installation, but no success and same error...

Do you know why?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks again.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 11:24:10 AM
I'm trying to install it on Feng Office 1.6.2, but have problems with sql script:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 50: Table 'fengoffice.my_workspaces' doesn't exist.  Tried also with a new installation, but no success and same error...

I may have left the brief instructions in the SQL file out in my haste to re-post them.  If your database is not named "fengoffice" you will need to simply search and replace each occurrence of fengoffice with the name of your database.  Then the SQL scripts should work.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 11:26:27 AM
i can not execute the sql command and if i open the file  feng_gantt_5.1.sql i see 5 functions declaration of my_GetMileStoneColor().  ???

Do you get a particular error message?

I will check the SQL code right now and if I made a mistake in cutting/pasting the functions, I will fix it right away.  Sorry for the confusion.  It's easier to change Feng Office than to explain how or package up the changes apparently.  :-[

UPDATE: Yes, of course it was my mistake, I have posted the correct code in the original post as feng_gantt_6.0.zip.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 12:16:21 PM
There are a few more updates in the works today, specifically sorting.

I believe that a Gantt chart should be a "waterfall" from left to right, with tasks that start earliest at the top left.  This leads to:

Workspaces don't have a date, so they should be alphabetical.

Milestones have a due date but no start date, and confusingly their date has nothing to do with the date(s) of constituent tasks or sub-tasks.  jsGantt resolves this, however, by setting the start and end date of a milestone to the earliest and latest dates of the constituent tasks.  Bear in mind that a milestone in project terms is a single-date achievement, but because we are using milestones to "group" tasks and sub-tasks for our projects in Feng Office, we (and jsGantt) are treating them more like groups or sub-projects than actual milestones.

Tasks and sub-tasks should be sorted by Start Date, End Date, then alphabetically.

That is probably the next version we will be sharing.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gain March 03, 2010, 12:53:28 PM
I'm trying to install it on Feng Office 1.6.2, but have problems with sql script:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 50: Table 'fengoffice.my_workspaces' doesn't exist.  Tried also with a new installation, but no success and same error...

I may have left the brief instructions in the SQL file out in my haste to re-post them.  If your database is not named "fengoffice" you will need to simply search and replace each occurrence of fengoffice with the name of your database.  Then the SQL scripts should work.

Database name is ok!

Solved executing one query at a time in a new order (functions first, my_workspaces, my_taskparents, my_tasks, and the others in the file order...) perhaps no lab tab in the menu... :|
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 01:08:40 PM
Excellent!  Glad you got it sorted.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: WiZaxx March 03, 2010, 02:09:14 PM
While the Feng Office team is welcome to any and all of this work, I do not imagine it is of a quality that they would want to support in its current state.

IMHO the least FO can do is provide you with dependencies. Hello ... ConradO?!

As for the quality, well do not underestimate what you have done 8), remarkable at the least. And isn't that what commercial team should do? Polish the community work, I mean.


: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 03:00:36 PM
OKAY, here is the next version, 7.0.

This version does a few things right, maybe.  ;D

First of all, I think I have the SQL script in an order that will execute without errors.  It may generate warnings, but that's expected when you are creating objects that are dependent on one another.  (If you run the script and get warnings, you can safely run it again, as it is only dropping and creating its own objects, and the dependencies will be satisfied for certain the second time around.)

I finally found a nice MySQL program that helped me to create the SQL script, Toad Freeware for MySQL.

Lastly, this verion will sort your Gantt closer to what you might expect.  Alphabetically for workspaces, and by start then end date for tasks.

Milestones are the odd man out, because their start and end dates are being reset by jsGantt based on their constituent tasks, so we'll have to figure that out later.  I believe you can at least move them around on the Gantt chart by setting their start and end dates correctly?

The original post will be updated with feng_gantt_7.0
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 03:03:53 PM
IMHO the least FO can do is provide you with dependencies. Hello ... ConradO?!
As for the quality, well do not underestimate what you have done 8), remarkable at the least. And isn't that what commercial team should do? Polish the community work, I mean.

Well, this doesn't really qualify even as a "plug-in" at this point, it's more of a very ambitious hack, and the coders at Feng Office have every right to roll their eyes.  ::)

But it *does* meet a need.  ;D
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 03, 2010, 04:52:44 PM
IMHO the least FO can do is provide you with dependencies. Hello ... ConradO?!

Unfortunately Wz, there is no place in Feng Office to denote a dependency, unless we create a custom field for it which makes it a bit cumbersome to manage or unless we add a column to one or more tables, which makes it a bit cumbersome to persist through upgrades.

But we'll keep noodling about it.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: maxxer March 04, 2010, 06:20:35 AM
Solved executing one query at a time in a new order (functions first, my_workspaces, my_taskparents, my_tasks, and the others in the file order...) perhaps no lab tab in the menu... :|

quote this, I cannot get the "Gannt" tab to appear.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Guite March 04, 2010, 06:41:26 AM
A few minor issues to fix:
    $workspaces = (isset($_POST['selWorkspaces']) ? $_POST['selWorkspaces'] : array());
    $resources = (isset($_POST['selResources']) ? $_POST['selResources'] : array());
    $startdate = (isset($_POST['pStart']) && isdate($_POST['pStart']) ? $_POST['pStart'] : '');
    $enddate = (isset($_POST['pEnd']) && isdate($_POST['pEnd']) ? $_POST['pEnd'] : '');
    $truncate = (isset($_POST['txtTruncate']) && is_numeric($_POST['txtTruncate'])) ? (int)$_POST['txtTruncate'] : 0;
    $color = (isset($_POST['chkColor']) && ($_POST['chkColor'] == 'on' || $_POST['chkColor'] == 'checked') ? true : false);
    $complete = (isset($_POST['chkComplete']) && ($_POST['chkComplete'] == 'on' || $_POST['chkComplete'] == 'checked') ? true : false);

Typos to replace (capitalisation) (found two times):
if ($SQL_workspaces || $SQL_resources || $SQL_Start || $SQL_End || $SQL_OVERRIDE) {
if ($SQL_workspaces || $SQL_resources || $SQL_start || $SQL_end || $SQL_OVERRIDE) {
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Guite March 04, 2010, 06:44:17 AM
<input name="pStart" type="text" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST['pStart']) ? $_POST['pStart'] : ''); ?>" />
<input name="pEnd" type="text" value="<?php echo (isset($_POST['pEnd']) ? $_POST['pEnd'] : ''); ?>" />
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 04, 2010, 12:58:42 PM
A few minor issues to fix:

Typos to replace (capitalisation) (found two times):
if ($SQL_workspaces || $SQL_resources || $SQL_Start || $SQL_End || $SQL_OVERRIDE) {
if ($SQL_workspaces || $SQL_resources || $SQL_start || $SQL_end || $SQL_OVERRIDE) {

Thanks for the pointers!  Apparently I did the same thing as your ISSET with a hidden $submitted variable in a later version, and I had already fixed the capitalization, but I did add your ISSET logic anyway.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 04, 2010, 04:44:06 PM
Feng Gantt 8.0 has been posted.

Sorting is improved and takes into account more circumstances than before, such as missing dates.

Input is escaped more completely and accurately.

Each task name and bar will, when clicked, open a new email addressed to the Resource of that task and having the task Name as the subject.  This required a slight modification to jsgantt.js to avoid having a small (one line) blank window appear each time.  The resource will have to have their e-mail address entered in Feng Office for it to be available.

Truncation now defaults to 50, and Color is now the default.
: That's really weird ....
: WiZaxx March 06, 2010, 04:30:38 AM
I have it (sort of) working, finally.
   Got the SQL script running without any error.
   Got the selection page to display in my custom (Gantt) tab with the list of workspaces

... but then it goes all wrong:
rather than showing the Gantt chart, it takes me to the overview tab  ???

Anyone seen/solved this?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 06, 2010, 10:40:36 AM
Does it take you to the overview page when you click the Submit button?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 06, 2010, 10:52:14 AM
Apparently there are many, many ways to sort a @#$! Gantt chart, and it depends on how you store your projects and how you treat milestones and tasks.

We will be documenting the method we use and freezing the sort model in the next revision.  It requires some pretty complex SQL, but we're trying to do it all there instead of client-side.

More to come...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: WiZaxx March 06, 2010, 02:24:00 PM
Does it take you to the overview page when you click the Submit button?

Yes it does, and I gave up trying to find the reason by myself.
Any idea on how to fix it?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 08, 2010, 10:38:35 AM
Does it take you to the overview page when you click the Submit button?

Yes it does, and I gave up trying to find the reason by myself.
Any idea on how to fix it?


Does it switch to the Overview tab (literally) or does it display the contents of the Overview tab in your new Gantt tab?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: WiZaxx March 08, 2010, 11:55:16 AM

Does it switch to the Overview tab (literally) or does it display the contents of the Overview tab in your new Gantt tab?

The 'submit' button fills the current tab with the content of the Overview .
The 'Do this in a new window' button opens the Overview tab.

Thank you for the help.
: Open-flash-charts
: WiZaxx March 08, 2010, 11:58:46 AM
Got in touch with John Glazebrook at Open-Flash-Charts who pointed me here:
http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/adv-shapes.php (http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/adv-shapes.php)

Not sure if it is worth the trouble, though.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 08, 2010, 02:25:28 PM

The 'submit' button fills the current tab with the content of the Overview .
The 'Do this in a new window' button opens the Overview tab.

Under Account / Edit Preferences / General, I am curious if you have Initial Workspace set to All?  Mine is set to Remember Last.

Also, I had a problem like this once and I had to click "Reset User Interface" just below that...  Can you try those two things and let me know what it does?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: WiZaxx March 08, 2010, 03:28:17 PM

Under Account / Edit Preferences / General, I am curious if you have Initial Workspace set to All?  Mine is set to Remember Last.

Also, I had a problem like this once and I had to click "Reset User Interface" just below that...  Can you try those two things and let me know what it does?

No luck unfortunately. (Tried one at the time)
I'm on 1.6.1 if that makes any difference...

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 08, 2010, 05:02:02 PM
I'm sorry I've never run 1.6.1 so I can't say if it makes a difference or not - the page only calls itself using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], so it may very well be something in the setup of your custom tab?

You don't need to integrate it as a tab, though, can you just load the index.php file in a new window and see what it gives you?  eg, not from within Feng Office?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 09, 2010, 01:31:30 AM
I have the same problem as carcam (reply#23) - and this is the entire error message:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tedxdfo_oficina.my_GetWorkSpaceName; CREATE FUNCTION te' at line 3

The te' at the end of the error message begins the SQL code.

I replaced the fengoffice db name with mine and followed all the steps ...then looked at the line that was generating the error. I replaced all instances of latin1 with utf8 - but that didn't work either. This is what it generated:

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `my_workspaces` AS select `og_projects`.`id` AS `pID`,replace(`og_projects`.`name`,'&','and') AS `pName`,NULL AS `pStart`,NULL AS `pEnd`,`og_projects`.`color` AS `pColor`,0 AS `pMile`,NULL AS `pRes`,NULL AS `pEmail`,'0' AS `pComp`,1 AS `pGroup`,(case `og_projects`.`id` when `og_projects`.`p1` then 0 when `og_projects`.`p2` then `og_projects`.`p1` when `og_projects`.`p3` then `og_projects`.`p2` when `og_projects`.`p4` then `og_projects`.`p3` when `og_projects`.`p5` then `og_projects`.`p4` when `og_projects`.`p6` then `og_projects`.`p5` when `og_projects`.`p7` then `og_projects`.`p6` when `og_projects`.`p8` then `og_projects`.`p7` when `og_projects`.`p9` then `og_projects`.`p8` end) AS `pParent`,(case `og_projects`.`p2` when 0 then `og_projects`.`p1` else (case `og_projects`.`p3` when 0 then concat(`og_projects`.`p1`,'.',`og_projects`.`p2`) else (case `og_projects`.`p4` when 0 then concat(`og_projects`.`p1`[...]

MySQL said:

#1227 - Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation

Well, that user has Super privileges, so I don;'t know what I'm doing incorrectly. I tried running queries little by little in different orders, without success. I really need to visualize the project in phases & tasks via a Gantt chart, so this is *really* important - or I'll have to use another solution. And noone wants that, of course.  :'(

Thanks in advance for your guidance!
: super privilege probem
: WiZaxx March 09, 2010, 01:48:06 AM
I had the same problem with super privilege.

My MySQL is in a server but is set under one of the domains. The user has full privileges, but when I access the database through the domain I get the error.

So I access the database directly from the server and I was able to get rid of the error.

TRy to access your database via the WebControl in your server control panel,  NOT from the domain.... It worked for me.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: WiZaxx March 09, 2010, 01:50:21 AM
You don't need to integrate it as a tab, though, can you just load the index.php file in a new window and see what it gives you?  eg, not from within Feng Office?

OK it runs perfectly stand-alone, but still have problems from the tab.
Thank you for the pointer, I'll investigate further and let you know...

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 09, 2010, 02:24:00 AM
Thanks, but I logged in to PHPAdmin via the WebHost Manager (using the IP address) and got the *same* result!!

I'm on a shared server. Do I need to ask my host to do this for me? (I hope not - more delays!)


: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 09, 2010, 11:03:40 AM
I'm not a MySQL expert by any means :(

Try dropping this text from the view and try again, it is not really necessary AFAIK:


: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 09, 2010, 02:15:28 PM
To keep you updated, it is turning out to be phenomenally difficult to use MySQL to get the workspaces, milestones, and tasks/subtasks all in the correct WBS order for display on the Gantt chart by alphabetical/start date/end date order.

We continue to experience limitations of MySQL with aliased derived tables, the inability to include variables or parameters of any kind in views, etc. but we will eventually win out.

The final result may unfortunately include more SQL from the PHP side or temporary tables, but we will do our best to not have to do that...
: How to set up the tab to host the Gantt chart application [NOT YET WORKING]
: WiZaxx March 09, 2010, 02:37:59 PM
Any help to figure it why it will not display the chart in the tab when it actually works as direct url?

Here are my settings as per 'Hello world" application:
The new file  /application/controllers/GanttController.class.php:

class GanttController extends ApplicationController {
function __construct() {
function index() {


the new entry in /public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js
og.panels.gantt = new og.ContentPanel({
title: lang('gantt'),
id: 'gantt-panel',
iconCls: 'ico-gantt',
refreshOnWorkspaceChange: true,
defaultContent: {
type: "url",
data: og.getUrl('gantt','index')

My tab list in /langage/en_us/lang.js:
/* tabs */
'overview': 'Overview',
'messages': 'Notes',
'contacts': 'Contacts',
'calendar': 'Calendar',
'tasks': 'Tasks',
'web pages': 'Web Links',
'documents': 'Documents',
'account': 'Account',
'administration': 'Administration',
'search': 'Search',
'webpage': 'Weblink',
'message': 'Note',

My icon call in /public/assets/themes/myTheme/stylesheets/general/layout.css:
.ico-gantt {
background: transparent url(../../images/16x16/Gantt.png) no-repeat scroll 0 3px !important;

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: WiZaxx March 09, 2010, 02:48:34 PM

The final result may unfortunately include more SQL from the PHP side or temporary tables, but we will do our best to not have to do that...

please don't get me wrong here, I'm far too code-challenged to give you directions!  :-[ just brainstorming.... in the jsGantt site, they mention feeding the data through an XML file, would that be any easier?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 09, 2010, 03:00:06 PM
It would be "OK" in a single-user environment, but would require more management (having to create/write/open/close/delete the files) than just using MySQL in-memory arrays, and in a multi-user environment it would be even a little more of a pain in the butt to manage the files per-session.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gain March 10, 2010, 11:09:50 AM
I've no lab tab and I dunno how to make a new tab... I'll try the WiZaxx way soon...

Accessing directly to the index.php seems work.

What "Do this in a new window" must do? I've understood that opens the Gantt chart in a new window, but it opens the empty form in a new window...

Have I misunderstood this functionality?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 10, 2010, 11:26:11 AM
I include here for your reference my settings to make the integrated tab work in Feng Office.  I reiterate however that it is *not* necessary to integrate jsGantt as a tab in Feng Office, you simply need to use the index.php I've supplied as a normal web page, and give it access to your Feng Office database.  Your integrated tab after this exercise will be called "Labs".

First copy the attached file 'LabController.class.php' into your 'application/controllers' folder.

Second, you should already have copied all my jsGantt-related files into an 'application/views/lab' folder that you create.

Third, you add the tab to the tab panel by adding the following section to 'public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js'.  Add it just BEFORE the following line of code: og.panels.reporting = new og.ContentPanel({

// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
title: lang('labs'),
id: 'labs-panel',
iconCls: 'ico-labs',
refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
defaultContent: {
type: 'html',
data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0" src="application/views/lab/index.php"></iframe>'
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

Fourth, you want to set up your label for your new tab.  You want to paste the following code into your 'language/en_us/lang.js' file, just AFTER the following line of code: addLangs({

// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
'labs': 'Labs',
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

For completeness, I added this line of code to every lang.js file for every language shown under the 'languages' folder, but if you only use English you don't need to do this.

Fifth, you can set up your icon for your application.  I cheated and re-used the magic wand icon from templates.  This probably isn't necessary per-se, but I wanted a nifty little icon like the rest of the tabs.  To do that I copied the file 'public/assets/themes/default/images/16x16/template.png' to 'lab.png' in the same directory.  Then I added the following code in 'public/assets/themes/default/stylesheets/general/layout.css' in the same general section the other icons were defined (ico-tasks, ico-documents, etc.).
/* AEL - Begin mod to add labs to Feng Office */
.ico-labs {
background-image: url(../../images/16x16/lab.png) !important;
/* AEL - End mod to add labs to Feng Office */

That is what it took to make the tab work for me.  Again, I'm not a tab expert, I really started the thread more to share our work with jsGantt, and having it on a tab is kind of just a nice thing to do.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 15, 2010, 04:45:18 PM
What "Do this in a new window" must do? I've understood that opens the Gantt chart in a new window, but it opens the empty form in a new window... Have I misunderstood this functionality?

Opening the Gantt chart in a new window does several things.  It allows you to compare two Gantt charts side by side, and because it opens the Gantt chart in its own window, there is no frame wrapper around it, so you can see the code more easily, print preview more easily, and apply development and formatting tools more easily without the Feng Office constructs being in the way.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 16, 2010, 03:22:50 AM
Thanks, allenlook.

I removed the suggested line from the VIEW line of the query, but got the same error:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tedxdfo_oficina.my_GetWorkSpaceName; CREATE FUNCTION te' at line 18

It's stalling at the "te" of the database name, so wouldn't it be on line 18?
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS database_name.my_GetWorkSpaceName;

Still confused, and frustrated, that this hasn't worked - yet.  :'(
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 16, 2010, 03:59:08 AM
Went back to run the query a 2nd time before exiting PHPMyAdmin - and it worked!

I then continued to add the tab - successfully!

I then opened the Gantt tab and ran a sample display - successfully!

Here are 3 observations:

#1 - Spelling error:
do that I copied the file 'public/assets/themes/default/images/16x16/template.png' to 'labs.png' in the same
...should be:
do that I copied the file 'public/assets/themes/default/images/16x16/template.png' to 'lab.png' in the same

#2 - UTF8:
The text in the Gantt window shows "weird" characters when it should show é o ó (diacritical marks) that I use for Spanish.

#3 - Database Errors?:
These error messages appear when I attempt to optimize the database:
     'tedxdfo_oficina.my_jsgantt' is not BASE TABLE
(These tables don't have the og_ prefix.)

Other than these superficial notes, I'm so very happy that I can show & share this with the team.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 16, 2010, 10:56:43 AM
Good for you!  ;D  I'm glad you got it working.

I will fix the typo right now, thank you for noticing!

I think the funny characters showing is something that will have to be fixed in jsGantt?

I don't know what OPTIMIZE does, but I do know that my_jsgantt is not a table, it is a view, so maybe that has something to do with it?

UPDATE: I think the typo was actually in the css portion, where it called labs.png, and where it should have been lab.png, instead of the other way around...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 16, 2010, 03:52:40 PM
Sorry and yes - the spelling in #1 was inversely cited. It should read:

do that I copied the file 'public/assets/themes/default/images/16x16/template.png' to 'lab.png' in the same
...should be:
do that I copied the file 'public/assets/themes/default/images/16x16/template.png' to 'labs.png' in the same

Regarding MySQL, those errors are displayed because there are several new tables now in the database squema; if they don't do any damage, I would hate to remove them and then have to start over - so then they can remain there!!  ;)

Hmm, yes, I suppose the UTF8 errors are in jsGantt; if you tell me what files & where, maybe I could add UTF encoding code at the top and see if it improves the layout.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 16, 2010, 03:56:53 PM
I believe there is only one file, that being jsGantt.js, in the application/views/lab directory.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 16, 2010, 05:43:35 PM
Sorry and yes - the spelling in #1 was inversely cited.

John, in order to honor the naming convention set by the rest of Feng Office, I've fixed it inversely to how you may have, so I left the file named lab.png, and I changed the .CSS file to refer to it correctly, eg. without the 's' on the end.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 17, 2010, 04:15:16 AM
In the end, whatever works is OK as long as the naming convention is consistent.

Adding <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> to the jsGantt.js didn't make a difference to the output and I still get the ? whenever an accent mark is required for  characters. I suspect that I would need to change the Workspaces names (and use ASCII/HTML codes) - or is there another way to edit/correct those special characters in the Workspace titles? (The MySQL db shows utf8_unicode_ci FWIW.) I'll do a bit more research and then leave it alone.  :-\

BTW, I renamed the tab "Gantt" so that it's clearer to our users.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 17, 2010, 10:03:06 AM
You may notice in the PHP code (in index.php) that I put in some code borrowed from WordPress to "escape" the input fields, eg. I wanted to make sure that they were valid data and not attempts to SQL-inject the program.

I'll take a look at the PHP function htmlentities().  That may do what you want.

This page http://www.webmonkey.com/2010/02/special_characters/ as a good list of what's possible.

We're still working hard on the correct sort function - MySQL is throwing curve balls at us every single step of the way.  This seems like a good thing to do though, and I can get to it later, or if someone writes up the function I'd be glad to paste it into the central code.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 17, 2010, 10:34:58 AM
I've added PHP htmlentities() to the data selection form, adding it to the javascript for the Gantt chart may be harder.

UPDATE: As expected, names with special characters are showing up as blanks...  This will take some work.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 17, 2010, 11:42:51 AM
Apparently, special characters such as e-acute and e-grave are not valid in UTF-8 and the htmlentities() function returns a null, so I had to set the character set for names to be ISO-8859-15 for my testing.  It can be set to other values which can be found with a simple Google search.  Now the accents show up on the names, as well as the Euro, etc.

I've set the code to UTF-8 in the final code, but you'll have to test it when I post the next version to see if it works for you.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 17, 2010, 03:58:39 PM
OK, thanks - I'll test it in the next version then.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 17, 2010, 04:00:04 PM
You're very welcome.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: cabeza March 17, 2010, 05:10:17 PM
Great job allenlook!

Haven't tried it yet, but I'm already excited about it.

We'll contact you about this soon.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 17, 2010, 05:16:02 PM
Glad you like it.

We are still hammering out the best sort mechanism, and of course there is the challenge of dependencies, but I am happy that it is getting "close".
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 17, 2010, 06:31:25 PM
Someone from the forum just sent me an email message, but my spam filter ate it before I could see who it was from.

If it was from you, I apologize, and could you please resend it?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: cabeza March 18, 2010, 11:32:17 AM
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 18, 2010, 01:14:58 PM
Thank you, and my apologies for the mishap.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sjacques65 March 19, 2010, 06:18:28 AM
Hye, thanks for this great job.

I have a small problem, everything runs fine if I use it separately from FengOffice. But when I use it under the panel "lab"  the submit button has for result to go back to the global overview panel of FengOffice. I check several times what I set to run it and everything is exactly as explained.

Any idea about this? Thanks
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 19, 2010, 10:05:46 AM
You are the second person to experience this, and I wish I was more expert in how Feng Office works internally.  I followed the instructions on how to implement the "Hello World" application, with some changes that seemed to be necessary for 1.6.2 (eg. I copied some of the code from other tabs until it worked).

The "Submit" button is simply doing a call to the same page (eg. it is calling itself to submit the form selections, and the first thing the page does is check itself to see if anything was submitted - a recursive form/page).

I can only surmise that if you have set everything up correctly that there is something in your settings that is telling Feng Office to return to the Overview tab (I am guessing that is what is happening) each time the page is refreshed.

In Administration, under Configuration, User Preferences, General, there are some settings that will Remember the last workspace visited, and an option to Reset User Interface.  Perhaps if you try those two things - eg. set it to Remember Last (as I have) and also reset the user interface.

These are the only two suggestions I have.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 19, 2010, 02:50:04 PM
Gantt charting is, if we are not mistaken, complete and the source code for Feng Gantt 10.0 will be posted shortly.

The sorting of all Workspaces, Milestones and Tasks/Subtasks now occurs correctly, by alphabetical, start/end date, etc. as appropriate.

It is unfortunate that it took this long, and that it does require the use of a handful of functions, stored procedures and temporary tables.  We are not happy with the code or the mechanism that was ultimately required to make this work, but we ran into more than a half-dozen MySQL bugs during this process and we ran out of time and resources to continue trying to work through them - eventually we decided to take this route and work around them instead.

On the plus side of the equation, it is *much* faster than it was previously, and I have added the option for you to be able to display (or not) the Duration, Start/End Dates and Resource columns of the Gantt chart.

I will post the source code by the end of the day and update the instructions accordingly.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 19, 2010, 04:33:35 PM
feng_gantt_10.0 has been posted.  Enjoy.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 20, 2010, 10:07:01 AM
I've fixed a tiny error in one of the functions.  my_getworkspacename was accidentally pointed to a database with "_dev" appended even after the search and replace was completed.

I've updated the code and posted it as 10.1.

Many thanks again to Kevin Stone for the SQL heavy lifting.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 20, 2010, 12:35:54 PM
Note: feng_gantt_10.0 and above now format the task names with html entities in UTF-8 format - could someone tell me whether or not the special characters appear correctly?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 20, 2010, 02:47:35 PM
Can't yet tell you if the UTF8 helped. After upgrading , I first couldn't get the workspaces to appear (only after running the v10.1 query did they appear), but the workspaces with special characters currently do not display. (See attached image.)

The SQL query generates this error:

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice_db.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 20, 2010, 10:27:24 PM
Thank you for testing it.  If they do not display, then we know they aren't valid in UTF-8 - the htmlentities() function returns null if it encounters characters which aren't valid...

We may have to substitute ISO to get them to appear, but will that cause problems for other languages?

There should not have been a difference between 10.0 and 10.1 with having the workspaces appear...  I've also run the SQL queries numerous times on fresh databases and I didn't get any syntax errors, maybe it's complaining about the use of two dashes '--' instead of a pound sign '#' for the comments?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman March 23, 2010, 07:47:04 AM
No, it's not just the fact that those 2 lines don't appear; the Submit button doesn't produce results as it did before. I may have to scrap this and start over rather than try to "fix" it. I'll get back to this a day or so
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 23, 2010, 09:53:16 AM
It may not produce any results if the data is invalid - you can test going back to ISO by finding the line:
$pName = htmlentities($pName, 3, "UTF-8", false); //ENT_NOQUOTES=DEFAULT, ENT_COMPAT=2, ENT_QUOTES=3
and changing the UTF-8 to ISO-8859-15, as in:

$pName = htmlentities($pName, 3, "ISO-8859-15", false); //ENT_NOQUOTES=DEFAULT, ENT_COMPAT=2, ENT_QUOTES=3
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 23, 2010, 01:21:06 PM
feng_gantt 11.0 is posted - it adds a drop-down selection box that lets you select any of the PHP-compliant character sets to display your chart with, including Latin-9 (default), Latin-1, UTF-8, Russian, Cyrillic(s), Chinese, Japanese, etc.

Only index.php was changed for those of you keeping up.  Your revision number also now appears on-screen.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 23, 2010, 04:44:52 PM
feng_gantt 11.1 is posted, only index.php is changed.

Minor change to fix a typo in multi-select workspace SQL statement, and some new test code (commented out for now) to allow clicking on a task and having it jump to the correct view on the Task tab in Feng Office.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: meemoo March 25, 2010, 10:24:16 AM

I´ve downloaded v11.1 and get this error by executing the sql (using phpMyAdmin):


CREATE FUNCTION db1234.`my_GetWorkSpaceRow` (
sCHAR( 20 )
) RETURNS char( 128 ) CHARSET latin1 RETURN (
SELECT rowcount
FROM db1234.my_tblworkspaces

MySQL meldet:  
#1044 - Access denied for user 'db1234'@'%' to database 'db1234'
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 25, 2010, 10:46:01 AM
This appears to be a security issue with your database that we probably cannot help you with.  It may be that your user account only has localhost access, and you are trying to run the SQL queries from another computer across the network?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: selyay March 27, 2010, 04:41:24 PM
first of all thanks for this great add-on but i got the same error,what can i do?

Can't yet tell you if the UTF8 helped. After upgrading , I first couldn't get the workspaces to appear (only after running the v10.1 query did they appear), but the workspaces with special characters currently do not display. (See attached image.)

The SQL query generates this error:

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice_db.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

i got the same error even with a clean installation of 1.6.2.
thanks for your help
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sdwhite March 28, 2010, 09:18:04 PM
I completed the installation of the tool and have the web page coming up that allows me to select what to chart, but then when I tell it to do the chart, it comes back to the selection page, it doesn't show any charts.  Same result if I select new window.  Any thoughts on what might cause that?  No errors in the logs and it appears like all the MySQL statements ran fine.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sdwhite March 28, 2010, 09:25:16 PM
For those of you seeing this error, this happened to me also, the problem turned out to be the delimiter used between the lines in the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statements, I changed the delimiter to // right before all the CREATE PROCEDURE statements, and make sure the final "END" for each ends in a // rather than a ;

Then you set the DELIMITER back to ; after the CREATE PROCEDURE statements

first of all thanks for this great add-on but i got the same error,what can i do?

Can't yet tell you if the UTF8 helped. After upgrading , I first couldn't get the workspaces to appear (only after running the v10.1 query did they appear), but the workspaces with special characters currently do not display. (See attached image.)

The SQL query generates this error:

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice_db.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

i got the same error even with a clean installation of 1.6.2.
thanks for your help

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 29, 2010, 10:40:29 AM
I completed the installation of the tool and have the web page coming up that allows me to select what to chart, but then when I tell it to do the chart, it comes back to the selection page, it doesn't show any charts.  Same result if I select new window.  Any thoughts on what might cause that?  No errors in the logs and it appears like all the MySQL statements ran fine.

As indicated in the selection page, if your selection includes no data, or if your selection returns any invalid data, there will be no chart displayed.  Try looking at a "View Page source" to see if there are embedded single or double quotes or other special characters we did not escape correctly.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 29, 2010, 10:42:05 AM
For those of you seeing this error, this happened to me also, the problem turned out to be the delimiter used between the lines in the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statements, I changed the delimiter to // right before all the CREATE PROCEDURE statements, and make sure the final "END" for each ends in a // rather than a ;

Then you set the DELIMITER back to ; after the CREATE PROCEDURE statements

Can you post what worked, and I will update the source code?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: meemoo March 29, 2010, 05:26:48 PM
I had some problems with the sql-file but got help from my provider. I´m not sure this still works like it should because I don´t get any gantt-charts. The only screen shown is "Select data to include on Gantt" - that´s all.

I don´t have any access to the DB by an other tool then phpMyAdmin - so I edited the sql-file to work with this. Maybe this helps others who have the same problem.

Also edited:

Got security warnings without editing - maybe someone could check this.

For those of you seeing this error, this happened to me also, the problem turned out to be the delimiter used between the lines in the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statements, I changed the delimiter to // right before all the CREATE PROCEDURE statements, and make sure the final "END" for each ends in a // rather than a ;

Then you set the DELIMITER back to ; after the CREATE PROCEDURE statements

Can you post what worked, and I will update the source code?

Have a look at http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?98,126320,247753#msg-247753 for more information. Attached you´ll find my edited sql-file. Using phpMyAdmin you have to enter "$$" as seperator when executing it.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sdwhite March 29, 2010, 05:53:27 PM
Just like "meemo" I also had to modify the file to remove the security definition at the beginning of the statements because the hosting company I'm working with (perhaps the same one) doesn't allow the level of permission needed to run the statements as they were.  Attached is the version of the SQL script I was able to make run, and by the way I figured out my other problem, I'm on a Linux host and there were some case problems in the procedure definitions, specifically the original was looking for my_tblWorkSpaces and my_tblMileStones in the procedure definitions and those don't exist, they have to be all lower-case.  So my installation is working fine now.  Thanks for putting this out to the community, it was helpful.

For those of you seeing this error, this happened to me also, the problem turned out to be the delimiter used between the lines in the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statements, I changed the delimiter to // right before all the CREATE PROCEDURE statements, and make sure the final "END" for each ends in a // rather than a ;

Then you set the DELIMITER back to ; after the CREATE PROCEDURE statements

Can you post what worked, and I will update the source code?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sdwhite March 29, 2010, 05:55:25 PM
The resolution for this problem was actually to remove some mixed-case names in the SQL file, I posted the change in my response to the other thread about changing the delimiter.

I completed the installation of the tool and have the web page coming up that allows me to select what to chart, but then when I tell it to do the chart, it comes back to the selection page, it doesn't show any charts.  Same result if I select new window.  Any thoughts on what might cause that?  No errors in the logs and it appears like all the MySQL statements ran fine.

As indicated in the selection page, if your selection includes no data, or if your selection returns any invalid data, there will be no chart displayed.  Try looking at a "View Page source" to see if there are embedded single or double quotes or other special characters we did not escape correctly.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 29, 2010, 06:32:48 PM
I removed the security definitions and took care of the multi-case in the view create statements and added a note to the beginning of the SQL file indicating that the delimiter might need to be changed if you are using PHPmyAdmin (not everyone does).

To be uploaded as 11.2.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sdwhite March 29, 2010, 06:40:00 PM
I removed the security definitions and took care of the multi-case in the view create statements and added a note to the beginning of the SQL file indicating that the delimiter might need to be changed if you are using PHPmyAdmin (not everyone does).

To be uploaded as 11.2.

Great, note that the delimiter problem was not a PHPmyAdmin problem for me, I was using the mysql command-line client on Linux, client version 5.0.32 and server version 5.0.67
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 29, 2010, 06:42:45 PM
And in that case you had to use "//"?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bkautomation March 30, 2010, 04:14:20 AM

I'm trying to add Gantt charts to our Feng office with this extension but I have problems getting them to show up. After I have edited the sql script (changed the delimiters), it executes ok, but when I navigate to Gantt chart's page and press "submit", the resulting page comes up short and php dies with sql error "Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '90001.50001 ".

Any ideas how to get this to work?

I'm running MySQL 5.1.11, Feng Office 1.7 beta, and PHP 5.2.13.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: meemoo March 30, 2010, 06:24:42 AM
I'm trying to add Gantt charts to our Feng office with this extension but I have problems getting them to show up.

I'm running MySQL 5.1.11, Feng Office 1.7 beta, and PHP 5.2.13.

Having a similar problem here using MySQL 5.1.45, Feng Office 1.6.2, PHP 5.2.11. The screen "Select data to include on Gantt" looks fine and I see my projects and resources. Clicking on one of the buttons doesn´t show any results - e.g. "Printer Friendly" just opens a blank window - no error messages.

For everybody using phpMyAdmin for the feng_gantt_11.2.sql attached you´ll find a version that works. Remember to set "$$" as delimiter when executing.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 30, 2010, 10:07:07 AM
Having a similar problem here using MySQL 5.1.45, Feng Office 1.6.2, PHP 5.2.11. The screen "Select data to include on Gantt" looks fine and I see my projects and resources. Clicking on one of the buttons doesn´t show any results - e.g. "Printer Friendly" just opens a blank window - no error messages.

For everybody using phpMyAdmin for the feng_gantt_11.2.sql attached you´ll find a version that works. Remember to set "$$" as delimiter when executing.

You'll have to make at least one selection (workspace, resource, etc.) and then click the Submit button in order to see a Gantt chart.  If you see no chart then click "Printer Friendly" just to get the page in a window of its own (and not embedded in Feng Office) then view the page source.  If you can't see what's wrong with the data, cut and paste it into an e-mail if you're comfortable doing so and send it to me by PM or e-mail.  You can save room by just sending the part at the bottom of the page that has the g.AddTaskItem lines in it.  There are probably invalid embedded characters in the data.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 30, 2010, 10:15:00 AM
... the resulting page comes up short and php dies with sql error "Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '90001.50001 ".

Is it PHP dying, or JavaScript?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 30, 2010, 12:06:22 PM
I hope this helps.  If you have no chart at all after clicking Submit, there is an error in your data or with your security settings or something similar.

If you view the source of the page, you will see something like the following error message at the bottom of the page, and you can troubleshoot it more directly.

execute command denied to user 'username'@'%' for routine 'database.get_my_gantt'
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: meemoo March 30, 2010, 02:39:43 PM
Yes, it rocks! Got the gantt-charts working now and everything looks great!
Thanks a lot for the support and your work!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 30, 2010, 02:40:46 PM
Glad you got it sorted :D
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: damendieta March 31, 2010, 09:30:18 PM
Hi, really cool work.

is it going to be at Feng 1.7 by defaul?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: moonmoth April 03, 2010, 07:41:07 PM
I've managed to (finally) get the sql to run without errors but when I try to view the gantt chart I too get a blank window. I get the initial options panel with my workspaces listed  but nothing is displayed when I choose the 'Printer Friendly' button. If it helps here is the code from the actual blank gant chart window:

"<html><head><style type="text/css">tr#dateformatselector { display:none; }* { overflow:visible !important; }body { white-space:pre !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jsgantt.css" /><script language="javascript" src="jsgantt.js"></script></head><body><div style="position:relative" class="gantt" id="GanttChartDIV"></div></body></html>"

I guess I must be doing something wrong somewhere. Any ideas?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: cabeza April 05, 2010, 01:06:48 PM
Hi, really cool work.

is it going to be at Feng 1.7 by defaul?


Feng 1.7 is already in testing phase. It will make it for Feng 1.8.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gman April 07, 2010, 05:56:18 PM
Bummer, I can;t get any of the

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS opengoo.get_my_workspaces;
CREATE PROCEDURE opengoo.`get_my_workspaces`();

statements to work regardless of how I setup the delimiter, I keep getting the

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

error. I see how people have gotten this to work, I simply cannot get it to work.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gman April 07, 2010, 07:02:41 PM
I got the SQL correct. But now when I go  to create a GANTT chart, I'm not getting my data, the chart is connecting to


I made the data base changes in index.php. Is there anywhere else it is connectting to fengoffice.siigroup.com instead of my database?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gman April 07, 2010, 07:25:50 PM
Found the error. The instructiosn say to add the following to public/assets/javascript/og

      // AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
      og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
         title: lang('labs'),
         id: 'labs-panel',
         iconCls: 'ico-labs',
         refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
         defaultContent: {
            type: 'html',
            data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0" src="http://fengoffice.siigroup.com/application/views/lab/index.php"></iframe>'
      // AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

Notice that this brings in the index.php file from http://fengoffice.siigroup.com which not what we want. Change the src to point to the index.php file applicable to your configuration. After doing that everything worked.

Spoke too soon, not working. I can see the form to select the work spaces and users for the GANTT chart, but I can't actually produce the GANTT chart, when I submit I simply return to the same page.

Also, is it design so that an user can see all other users, or is there suppose to be some kind of security where an user should only see there work, or an admin could see everybody?.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: damendieta April 12, 2010, 03:03:10 AM
Hi, really cool work.

I work with GTD (Getting Things Done by David Allen) using FO as my high tech support software. Is really cool and help me a lot to my organization sistem. (I strongly recommend to read this book).

I have only one problem. When I select my task view, it shows me like 500 + task but only a 10% or less are important at the time because the rest are dependencies and they doesn't matter until I complete the first ones.

I saw you are working on dependencies and I was wondering if you can ad a "Next action" view in the task or in the chart tab. So, when you select the "Next action" view, only the task with all the dependencies completed where shown.

Thanks a lot.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: damendieta April 12, 2010, 03:20:34 AM

Feng 1.7 is already in testing phase. It will make it for Feng 1.8.

Thanks a lot. FO is a greate groupwhere and with chart (dependencies) will be just The Best.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 12, 2010, 04:21:19 PM
I've managed to (finally) get the sql to run without errors but when I try to view the gantt chart I too get a blank window. I get the initial options panel with my workspaces listed  but nothing is displayed when I choose the 'Printer Friendly' button. If it helps here is the code from the actual blank gant chart window:

"<html><head><style type="text/css">tr#dateformatselector { display:none; }* { overflow:visible !important; }body { white-space:pre !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jsgantt.css" /><script language="javascript" src="jsgantt.js"></script></head><body><div style="position:relative" class="gantt" id="GanttChartDIV"></div></body></html>"

I guess I must be doing something wrong somewhere. Any ideas?

Are any resources displayed, and are you making one or more selections?  Do you have special characters in your data, such as single quotes, double quotes, or accented characters?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 12, 2010, 04:24:12 PM
Found the error. The instructiosn say to add the following to public/assets/javascript/og

      // AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
      og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
         title: lang('labs'),
         id: 'labs-panel',
         iconCls: 'ico-labs',
         refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
         defaultContent: {
            type: 'html',
            data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0" src="http://fengoffice.siigroup.com/application/views/lab/index.php"></iframe>'
      // AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

Notice that this brings in the index.php file from http://fengoffice.siigroup.com which not what we want. Change the src to point to the index.php file applicable to your configuration. After doing that everything worked.

Spoke too soon, not working. I can see the form to select the work spaces and users for the GANTT chart, but I can't actually produce the GANTT chart, when I submit I simply return to the same page.

Also, is it design so that an user can see all other users, or is there suppose to be some kind of security where an user should only see there work, or an admin could see everybody?.

Yes, you will have to change the domain and page to be your own, of course.  And no, I have not implemented any kind of security because I did not know how that is done in FengOffice, and it was only for our own purposes.  Regarding the lack of a chart and returning to the same window - have you implemented it as a tab within Feng Office?  Does it work by itself standalone first?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 12, 2010, 04:27:23 PM
Hi, really cool work.

I work with GTD (Getting Things Done by David Allen) using FO as my high tech support software. Is really cool and help me a lot to my organization sistem. (I strongly recommend to read this book).

I have only one problem. When I select my task view, it shows me like 500 + task but only a 10% or less are important at the time because the rest are dependencies and they doesn't matter until I complete the first ones.

I saw you are working on dependencies and I was wondering if you can ad a "Next action" view in the task or in the chart tab. So, when you select the "Next action" view, only the task with all the dependencies completed where shown.

Thanks a lot.

I think you can do this with tags.  I have defined tags for each of my GTD contexts, such as @online, @phone, @office, @home, and also a tag for each status such as !action, !next, !someday.

When you select a workspace, you then also click on the name of the !next tag in the Tags pane, and it will only show you the tasks with a status of !next.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 12, 2010, 04:28:08 PM
Hi, really cool work.

is it going to be at Feng 1.7 by defaul?


Feng 1.7 is already in testing phase. It will make it for Feng 1.8.

That is awesome news :D  With your professional integration, it will work much better!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Gertjan Tillema April 13, 2010, 06:31:16 AM
Hmz, a SQL problem here as well.

I'm using Feng Office 1.7beta2, MySQL 5.1.36 on OpenSUSE 11.2 and the feng_gantt_11.2 file.

When i try to run the SQL file, I receive this error:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 187: Table 'gcdc_fengoffice.og_projects' doesn't exist

Where fengoffice_dev is replaced 191 times by gcdc_fengoffice.

Do I have to use Feng Office 1.6, or can the table be added?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 13, 2010, 09:07:51 AM
I'm sorry, I have never run any version of FO before 1.6.2, so I cannot say what tables did (and did not) exist.  :(
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: damendieta April 13, 2010, 01:22:20 PM

I think you can do this with tags.  I have defined tags for each of my GTD contexts, such as @online, @phone, @office, @home, and also a tag for each status such as !action, !next, !someday.

When you select a workspace, you then also click on the name of the !next tag in the Tags pane, and it will only show you the tasks with a status of !next.

I do use tags too, but it seem more like a work arround for me than a reall deal.

Imagine this.

You have a process



You can create a template and create a new group of tasks every time you work with this activity, but the template can give you too much task ( i have until There is the option of tag everything (and I do it) but could be a really cool option if you create the set of task and only 1 and 2 are shown.

Then you coplete 1 and 1.1 is shown in your "next actions" view, you complete 2 and 2.1 is shown. So, you can concentrate more in doing what you need and less in taging and discard what you can't do at the time.

I will create an "ideas" post with this, I don't want to distract the theme of this post.

Congratulations for your really greate work.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 13, 2010, 02:56:34 PM
Got it, you seem to be seeking a self-propelled Work Breakdown Structure that will give you a window only into your "next action" for each branch of the tree.

I look forward to your separate post in Ideas.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: moonmoth April 19, 2010, 11:38:05 AM
In the form the workspaces are displayed. Only one resource is displayed which is strange. I don't have any non-standard characters in my data....not sure where to go now. I guess I'll keep playing around with it.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 19, 2010, 11:40:32 AM
Click on "View Source" for your page - check the actual HTML source code of your page, and you'll most likely see an error message from MYSQL at the very bottom.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: moonmoth April 19, 2010, 11:57:51 AM
I get the following message at the foot of the form source page

execute command denied to user 'eyecycom_root'@'localhost' for routine 'eyecycom_projects.get_my_gantt'

I guess this might explain it. I'll check the user rights but as its the mysql root user I would presume that this account can do anything with my mysql db.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: moonmoth April 19, 2010, 01:47:38 PM
Actually that looks like part of the code for the page.

Should I look at the foot of the form page source code or the blank gantt chart that appears?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 19, 2010, 03:49:33 PM
That is an error message directly from MySQL and has nothing to do with the code of the page itself.

You will have to grant that user execute access in order to perform the query, as indicated.

Depending on the browser you use, there are different ways to view the source, but you've done it correctly and found the (first) problem.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: meemoo April 20, 2010, 04:40:59 AM
Hi Allen,

would it be possible the gantt uses the same date-format then the one that has been setup in feng? My gantt shows like "4/20/2010" but should be displayed like "20.04.2010".

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 20, 2010, 10:25:55 AM
Sure, if you look in the code of index.php, you will see a section that allows you to specify the format for the graph including the date being input and output.

It looks like this...

g.setDateDisplayFormat('mm/dd/yyyy'); // Set format to display dates ('mm/dd/yyyy', 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'yyyy-mm-dd')

... and you could probably change it to this ...

g.setDateDisplayFormat('dd.mm.yyyy'); // Set format to display dates ('mm/dd/yyyy', 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gah242s April 20, 2010, 06:10:34 PM

All of this looks great and I'm ready to implement, but after 9 pages of forum posts, I'm a little lost on where to find the latest and greatest version.  Would it be possible to do this in the Wiki somewhere?


(Oops! Knew I should have looked before I typed.  Sorry about that Allen!)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Syrion April 21, 2010, 11:16:44 AM
Hi, really cool work.

is it going to be at Feng 1.7 by defaul?


Feng 1.7 is already in testing phase. It will make it for Feng 1.8.

Just wondering: if I implement this in my current installation (1.7.2 beta) with the instructions specified by Allen, will I lose data if I update to 1.8 later?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: darkbalder April 21, 2010, 01:35:10 PM

First of all, Great work!!!

I'm trying to install but:

When I execute feng_gantt_11.2.sql, I have this error:
$ mysql -u openuser -p fo < application/views/lab/feng_gantt_11.2.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 198: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4
It is DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

When I disable this line (using -- ), I have another error:
$ mysql -u openuser -p fo < application/views/lab/feng_gantt_11.2.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 198: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 246
It is ORDER BY pOrderBy) AS subSelect, (SELECT @rowcount:=0) AS rowcountinit;

What can I do??

My mysql version:
$ mysql -V
mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.90, for pc-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.1

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 21, 2010, 01:57:37 PM
Is the initial error at line 198, or is it at line 4.  The error message indicates both line numbers...

What is that corresponding line of code?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: darkbalder April 21, 2010, 02:13:51 PM
Line 198 is:

CREATE PROCEDURE fo.`get_my_workspaces`()

and procedure's Line 4:

DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;     


CREATE PROCEDURE fo.`get_my_workspaces`()

DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

INSERT INTO my_tblworkspaces


: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 21, 2010, 02:39:45 PM
If whitespace is ignored, the fourth line might be:

SELECT CONCAT('9', LPAD(@rowcount:=@rowcount+1, 4, '0')) AS rowcount, subSelect.*
That function alone took two weeks to puzzle through and had to work around numerous MySQL bugs, so I wonder if it's a version kind of thing...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: darkbalder April 21, 2010, 03:39:02 PM
I don't think that white spaces are ignored because when I documented this line:
DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

there is another error in procedure's line 246:

ORDER BY pOrderBy) AS subSelect, (SELECT @rowcount:=0) AS rowcountinit;

the error:
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 198: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 246

BTW, In which version on mysql this script runs well????

Thanks for your time :)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 21, 2010, 03:51:00 PM
I'm running on 5.1.41.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gah242s April 21, 2010, 06:48:36 PM

I had the same issue.  I had to add the "delimiter $$" line before each "CREATE PROCEDURE ... " line.  Then change the ; to a $$ after the END for each block and then add a "delimiter ;" line after the END$$ line.  (Lost yet?)  Fortunately, I only had to do that for the procedures.

Allenlook, what would it look like if that were the standard file?  Would it mess up cli interfaces?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 22, 2010, 08:59:41 AM
Gosh, I don't know, I'm not really a MySQL expert at all.  :(  Nor a PHP expert, truth be told.  ??? Nor a Feng Office expert, in fact least of all.  :o

If you think it would fix the problem, and if most people are running the file all at once, I'd be happy to update the code that way to make it easier.  8)

I just used Toad Freeware to generate all the MySQL code, and it all ran, so I wonder if there's a simpler way to turn on this delimiter option at the beginning and end of the file?

We're really a SQL Server shop, and we have many, many SQL Server databases, but we only have two MySQL databases, Feng Office being one of them.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: darkbalder April 22, 2010, 11:42:13 AM
Thanks for your help,

gah242s,  that's the solution! :)

I'm not an sql expert and php noob but I think is better work with php to code functions for get gantt data, what do you think?. I really need this module and I can contribute to develop it :).
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 22, 2010, 11:46:16 AM
We decided to do it in MySQL for those who wanted project data outside of Feng Office for other systems (we already have some other ideas on what we want to do with our project/task data in conjunction with SQL Server and SharePoint)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 23, 2010, 12:45:09 PM
There is a new version which adds a feature I needed now that it's getting later in the year.  I wanted the simple ability to limit the Gantt chart to a date range.  One unfortunate side effect of this is that jsGantt does not give you a way to do this, and it automatically sets the chart range to be the full extent of the earliest and latest tasks selected, so I cheated and modified the start and end dates of all tasks to fall within the given date range.

You'll see two new date fields on the form, called "Chart Dates", and they are explained in the text on the left of the form, including this side effect.

ONLY index.php was modified, and you don't need to run any of the SQL scripts if you already have the latest version installed..

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: chuelibrueder April 27, 2010, 07:42:51 AM
Just a little info about the code to integrate gantt in a tab. For me it was important to have no linebreak in the following code from allenlook before

(The complete post ist on page 5)

Third, you add the tab to the tab panel by adding the following section to 'public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js'.  Add it just BEFORE the following line of code: og.panels.reporting = new og.ContentPanel({

// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
title: lang('labs'),
id: 'labs-panel',
iconCls: 'ico-labs',
refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
defaultContent: {
type: 'html',
data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0"
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: chuelibrueder April 27, 2010, 01:11:30 PM
Thanks a lot for your work allenlook

Is it correct that only task are shown which are part of a milestone?

I think task without a milestone should also be shown, groupt according to their workspace, or if that's to complicated wihtout grouping.

Sadly the php is already to complicated for me to make an attempt. I didn't understand how the query is done.

Greetings chuelibrueder
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 27, 2010, 01:53:48 PM
Unclassified tasks should definitely be included, and they were in past revisions - I will double-check our implementation and adjust and re-post the source code accordingly.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 27, 2010, 05:50:07 PM
Duly noted, Unclassified Tasks are hiding in the og_workspace_objects table and will be re-implemented shortly.  Sorry for the oversight.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 28, 2010, 11:32:59 AM
I've gone through and set this up and can navigate to eh jsgantt index.php and have the same problem as fernandog:

There's no submit button or Resources populated.  The workspaces filled out just fine.

I used the source from the latest post and the included sql file which loaded with 0 errors.

I did change the fengoffice_dev to my correct db "collab", and changed the og_ prefix to mine feng_

based on post (http://forums.fengoffice.com/index.php?topic=3826.msg14214#msg14214)
Changing line 488 from:
if ($SQL_workspaces || $SQL_resources || $SQL_Start || $SQL_End || $SQL_OVERRIDE) {to:
if ($SQL_workspaces || $SQL_resources || $SQL_start || $SQL_end || $SQL_OVERRIDE) {has no effect, still no submit button

my appache error log shows nothing relevent.  Any ideas?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 28, 2010, 11:43:57 AM
Your database is set up fine if you have workspaces showing.

You should do a "view source" of the page to see what error messages are included at the bottom.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 28, 2010, 11:46:56 AM
Yeah, just noticed your post on that and saw " Table 'collab.og_users' doesn't exist" at the bottom.

find and replace og_ for feng_ fixed the problem.  This should be noted in your second posts in case users arnt using the og prefix.

(btw I'm on feng1.7b2).  I'll post any other problems I encounter and thank you for all the work!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 28, 2010, 11:53:26 AM
Glad you got it sorted, I've made the update to the second post.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 28, 2010, 12:24:50 PM
Just for the fun of it I modified the google labs beaker to fit in fengs tab bar so thought I'd share.

I also decided to use a relative url for the tab's source
data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0" src="application/views/lab/jsgantt/index.php"></iframe>'
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 28, 2010, 01:23:15 PM
I did update the relative reference some time ago but neglected to mention it - good point.

I've changed my icon too, thanks for the contribution :)

We are working still on the unclassified tasks being included and will have updated code shortly.  It will require changes to the MySQL queries of course.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fpanchoro April 30, 2010, 10:49:28 AM
Hi i try to do all in the FengOffcie 1.7-rc but It´s don´t work.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 11:12:28 AM
Hi i try to do all in the FengOffcie 1.7-rc but It´s don´t work.

If you are able to provide some information about why it does not work, someone may be able to help you.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 30, 2010, 11:24:22 AM
Hi i try to do all in the FengOffcie 1.7-rc but It´s don´t work.

I'm on 1.7rc and it works fine.  You really should be more definitive when you report an error. 
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fpanchoro April 30, 2010, 11:38:11 AM
This is problem, in line code of public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js', this js is the problem, send document
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 30, 2010, 11:40:14 AM
Have you tried this in FF, Safari, or Chrome?
Maybe this is an IE related issue.

For future please post the error here not in a document and attach the screenshot using the attach below.  That makes it easier for all of us that want to help.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 12:54:11 PM
Feng_gantt 12.5 is now posted to the second post in this thread.  It includes "unclassified" tasks as it should.  It also includes minor tweaks to the index.php file for usability and to improve security.

One thing we noticed, which does not happen often (in our company) is that if you have a major task with subtasks, and you mark the major task as completed (but leave the subtasks "open"), then jsGantt will "un-indent" those tasks when it displays them.

Because by default we are choosing to display only open tasks, jsGantt doesn't quite know where to place them on the outline.  They show up in the right order and their information is correct, but they are "un-indented" if that is a word.

We don't seem to have major tasks that we mark as completed - we generally wait until all sub-tasks are complete before we mark the major task as complete, but if your company works differently, it's something to be mindful of.

Again, your Gantt chart will be accurate - it's just the indenting that is affected in this one combination of circumstances.

One thing I learned during this exercise is that you can assign tasks to milestones in workspaces *above* the current workspace.  Holy cow!  I had no idea this was possible and it would have made a big difference in how we implemented the product, but live and learn as I always say...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 30, 2010, 12:58:23 PM
Thanks for posting the update.  Is there an update procedure from the last release?  Or just overright the files under /lab and thats it?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 01:00:25 PM
You're welcome.  Just copy index.php into your /lab directory and re-enter your username / password / host information.

Then, run the SQL script to update the SQL code.  Don't forget to follow the brief instructions at the top of the SQL script to search/replace the database name with your own.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 01:12:23 PM
I've updated the *third* post in this thread with common troubleshooting steps, such as accessing the page directly, using "View Source" to find MySQL security errors, or using the Char. Set feature to modify encoding.

Enjoy.  ;D
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fpanchoro April 30, 2010, 01:33:13 PM
look  this error, change of original code to this: (do not know the functions, but I want to prove the error)
og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
         title: lang('labs'),
         id: 'labs-panel',
         //iconCls: 'ico-labs',
         refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
         defaultContent: {
            type: 'html',
            data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0"
               type: 'url',
            data: og.getUrl('labs','index')
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 01:40:16 PM
It looks like you've commented out the middle of the code for some reason?  If it helps, here is how mine looks...  I'd take out the carriage return just to be safe too, keep it all on one line if you can.

// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
title: lang('labs'),
id: 'labs-panel',
iconCls: 'ico-labs',
//autoScroll: true,
refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
defaultContent: {
type: 'html',
data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0" src="application/views/lab/index.php"></iframe>'
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss April 30, 2010, 01:53:51 PM
Yeah, That carriage return caused problems for me too.  I forgot to mention that earlier.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fpanchoro April 30, 2010, 02:00:17 PM
is working properly thanks
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 02:06:40 PM
Excellent!  Glad you got it working.

Can you tell us what the problem was?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fpanchoro April 30, 2010, 02:17:10 PM
yes I ;D , the problem was that the class, copy in the folder lab, and could not find the path
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 02:22:56 PM
Very good.  I've updated the post on page 5 to take out the carriage return, just in case it messes up someone in the future, and I also added a link to that message in post one of this thread.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fpanchoro April 30, 2010, 03:22:02 PM
Sorry but I have  last question. I need to config JSGannt  into to link the workspace. When I create the new Workspaces?. I don´t have list to select. Look the next  picture and thank´s for all.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 30, 2010, 03:38:07 PM
As indicated in the very first post, Personal workspaces are never included in the results list.  It's the only form of security I knew how to put into it.

I believe if you create a workspace that is not marked as someone's "Personal" workspace, you will see it in the list.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman May 03, 2010, 12:06:38 AM
I'm still - after a break - looking for a solution to the "blank" page problem.  :(

I ran the SQL query for 12.5 successfully, am using Firefox, the Gantt (Labs) page appears and displays all special-character-free* workspaces, and yet the Submit button doesn't generate/display results. Here is what I get at the footer of the source code, in case you can suggest a solution.  ???

* Previously I tried accents in workspace titles, but I've given up and simply renamed them so that they could be seen in the Gantt workspace list.

<script type="text/javascript" language='javascript'>

   var g = new JSGantt.GanttChart('g', document.getElementById('GanttChartDIV'), 'week');
   g.setShowRes(); // Show/Hide Resource (0/1)
   g.setShowDur(1); // Show/Hide Duration (0/1)
   g.setShowComp(1); // Show/Hide % Complete(0/1)
   g.setCaptionType('Resource');  // Set to Show Caption (None,Caption,Resource,Duration,Complete)
   g.setShowStartDate(1); // Show/Hide Start Date(0/1)
   g.setShowEndDate(1); // Show/Hide End Date(0/1)
   g.setDateInputFormat('mm/dd/yyyy');  // Set format of input dates ('mm/dd/yyyy', 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
   g.setDateDisplayFormat('mm/dd/yyyy'); // Set format to display dates ('mm/dd/yyyy', 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
   g.setFormatArr("day","week","month","quarter"); // Set format options (up to 4 : "minute","hour","day","week","month","quarter")
   if( g ) {

        execute command denied to user 'tedxdfo_mangoma'@'localhost' for routine 'tedxdfo_oficina.get_my_gantt'
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 03, 2010, 09:41:17 AM
It would appear to me that you have a security problem with MySQL - your user mangoma does not have execute privilege on the database, and on the stored procedure get_my_gantt specifically.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 06, 2010, 04:45:34 PM
darkbalder has a new method of integrating gantt by a patch, and to avoid confusion with a possible upcoming release of this method I've moved his thread to:

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: S_of_T May 06, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
Hi everybody!

first of all grate THX for work had been done

In FO & jsGantt I'm real "newbe" &  not all understood. So I Integrated jsGantt, as I think correctly. at the attached screen You may see.

I don't understand what the next step! How I can  create Gant diagram's (like in the first post). I did read all docs at off-site jsGantt.com, & did not found any!

PLS explain me or give some link (docs), how use jsGantt into FengOffice

P.S. any help will be very usefull
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shaiss May 06, 2010, 06:22:57 PM
I dont think there is anything after that.  I believe that's all you can do, create gantt charts
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: S_of_T May 06, 2010, 06:31:04 PM
I dont think there is anything after that.  I believe that's all you can do, create gantt charts

Sorry for my Stupidity. But I'm don't understand HOW!!!

if you can give me some test tree Task & subtask for testing. May be some else!

P.S. TNX for help!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 07, 2010, 09:27:21 AM
I'm assuming you have a new installation of Feng Office that only contains that one test workspace that is showing?

As you add workspaces, resources (people) and tasks to Feng Office, you will see the boxes start to populate with that data, and you can select one or more workspaces, and/or one or more resources, and then click "Submit" to generate a gantt chart of all the tasks associated with what you picked.

If you have more workspaces and resources than are showing on the screen, then there is a problem with data or security in MySQL and you can tell by viewing the source of the iframe below the selection screen - instructions are probably in the third post of this thread, under "troubleshooting".
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: S_of_T May 08, 2010, 11:15:02 AM

I founded error, at the "source code".

execute command denied to user 'user'@'localhost' for routine 'database.get_my_gantt'
I gave all privilege my user. At the screen you may see.

Any suggest

P.S. TNX for HELP!

founded another error. I changed my user (mysql user for FO & jsGantt) to root. after in the "source code" appeared next error
Table 'database.my_tblWorkSpaces' doesn't existBut in phpmyadmin all tables are exist

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 09, 2010, 09:37:14 AM
Just so I understand, your user name was actually "user", but when you changed it to "root", you no longer got the privilege error?  If that is correct, please review your privilege settings for the user name "user" as there is still something wrong with them.

Regarding the second error, is the name of your database actually "database"?  If you post the page source as a .TXT file (I won't open any other type of file from a forum) I can take a look and see where exactly you are getting the error which may help in adjusting your configuration.

Worst case, try running the setup script again with root privileges to ensure all structures are created correctly.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: S_of_T May 09, 2010, 11:05:56 AM

name "user" & "database" it's for an example.

I tried install FO & jsGantt with root privilege! Appeared the same error!
Table 'database.my_tblWorkSpaces' doesn't exist
I attached "source code", what was generate by index.php

P.S. perhaps, just may be, my error appear because I have use mysql server (version) 5.0.90-community

TNX for help!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 09, 2010, 05:40:27 PM
You still have permissions problems that need to be resolved, the error is the same.

execute command denied to user 'user'@'localhost' for routine 'database.get_my_gantt'
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: S_of_T May 11, 2010, 11:23:47 AM

I founded problem, why jsGantt not work.
I installed FO & jsGantt at mysql server 5.0.90, & jsGantt wasn't worked
After installation at mysql server 5.1.41. everything worked. The script start worked!

may be somebody may help me install jsGantt at mysql server 5.0.90

thank you in advance
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: alexlim May 17, 2010, 05:08:16 AM
I am sorry to trouble you but I have the following message when I try to run the SQL script.

ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 220: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

It seems like there is a problem with feng_gantt_12.5.sql at somewhere near line 220 of the file.

I am using Centos-5.4 with MySQL 5 at the moment. Any help is much appreciated.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: selyay May 17, 2010, 08:13:15 AM

name "user" & "database" it's for an example.

I tried install FO & jsGantt with root privilege! Appeared the same error!
Table 'database.my_tblWorkSpaces' doesn't exist
I attached "source code", what was generate by index.php

P.S. perhaps, just may be, my error appear because I have use mysql server (version) 5.0.90-community

TNX for help!

i've found the mistake,table names arent all lowercase.change table names to all lowercase and re-run the db_script
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 17, 2010, 11:30:42 AM
We've added a new version, 13.1, for all you users with systems which are case-sensitive.  The code and the object names are now all lowercase.  Sorry for the issues you were having.  This version also contains some speed improvements.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: alexlim May 18, 2010, 12:02:54 AM
I am still facing the same error with the new version feng_gantt when I try to create the SQL objects.

ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 225: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

I am using MySQL-5.0 so I am wondering if I should upgrade to a later version in order for the script to run.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 18, 2010, 08:59:03 AM
The answer may be in this thread, regarding the delimiter option.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: LunAnder May 18, 2010, 05:24:10 PM
ive modded the sql file - but i get an error saying the upload folder is full when i try to attach it to this reply :(

I am still facing the same error with the new version feng_gantt when I try to create the SQL objects.

ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 225: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

I am using MySQL-5.0 so I am wondering if I should upgrade to a later version in order for the script to run.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 18, 2010, 06:24:00 PM
Sorry, I don't understand.  Is there a reason you are trying to attach it to the forum?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: LunAnder May 19, 2010, 02:42:20 PM
lol - sry - i wasnt very specific. I tried to attach the SQL file I've modded containing all the additional "delimiter" changes alot of us need to do in order to be able to run the query in phpmysql.
I thought I'd share it so that others don't need to do all the edits aswell.
I also changed some uppercase tablenames that needed to be lowercase.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 19, 2010, 02:55:03 PM
Ah understood.  Thank you.

The SQL changes from time to time as we add improvements, so it might only help for a little while to post updated code.

We've gone ahead and made everything lowercase in the scripts and the code if I'm not mistaken, so that part is fixed.

I don't have phpmysql so I can't vouch for the delimiter problem.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: LunAnder May 19, 2010, 03:15:08 PM
yea i know its gonna change but it takes awhile doing the changes so i thought id share it anyway.

There are actually 2 tablenames that still are UpperCase:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS fengoffice_dev.get_my_milestones;
CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice_dev.`get_my_milestones`()

DELETE FROM my_tblMileStones;

INSERT INTO my_tblMileStones

SELECT CONCAT(my_getworkspacerow(pParent), '.', '5', LPAD(@rowcount:=@rowcount+1, 4, '0')) AS rowcount, subSelect.*
select ...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 19, 2010, 03:37:13 PM
Fixed (in the SQL).
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: emjay May 19, 2010, 04:47:49 PM
I get the SQL-Error #1418 using phpmyadmin for the SQL-statements:


CREATE FUNCTION opengoo16fresh.`my_getworkspace` (

sCHAR( 20 )
FROM my_workspaces

MySQL meldet:

#1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

hmmm, whats wrong?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 19, 2010, 04:53:23 PM
Haven't seen that one before - and I'm no MySQL expert, but I'd start here:

#1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: selyay May 20, 2010, 04:15:56 AM
@allenlook i have character problems in "Select Workspace","Resources" and "task name" areas,
i m from turkey and our charset is "ISO 8859-9".i tried to change Latin 9 in drop down menu to ISO 8859-9 from index.php source code but it didn't work

Feng office displays Turkish characters without any problems
thanks for your support

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 20, 2010, 08:55:13 AM
It was my understanding that PHP could display the following character sets, so they are the ones I added to the array in the source code for the selection form:

'ISO-8859-15', 'ISO-8859-1', 'cp1252', 'UTF-8', 'cp866', 'cp1251', 'KOI8-R', 'BIG5', 'GB2312', 'BIG5-HKSCS', 'Shift_JIS', 'EUC-JP'
I'm not sure what would happen if you added your ISO code and description to the arrays in the source code.  Are you saying you tried that and it did not help?

The only thing I can think of is to select the same code as your database and see if that works, or select UniCode (UTF-8) and see if that works.  Sorry I'm not much help.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: neurvanaedge May 20, 2010, 10:52:51 AM
Hi Allen,

great work on this! I have a few issues though, but I am not sure what might be causing them.

I put the gantt code in /gantt and changed all the reference to same, but for some reason when i click a workspace to view and a person assigned then click submit i simply get returned to the seletion page with no chart.

2nd thing i ran into was a sql error during import:

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE admin_org.`get_my_workspaces` (
) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

Any ideas?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 20, 2010, 11:17:26 AM
Post #3 of this thread has some troubleshooting tips.

For your second problem - I think you have a delimiter problem.  You can look back a page for a possible solution to that (actually the solution is on page 10 IIRC).

For your first problem, I suspect you have a missing object or bad security setting.  You can do a "View Page Source" and see the error at the bottom of the page (HTML) probably.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gah242s May 20, 2010, 04:18:33 PM

Thank you very much for adding the ability to use a global config file in 13.1.  However, the index.php file references the views folder instead of the lab folder.  I think that the index.php file should have a single dot instead of a double dot on line 203.

New proposal:

   include './chartglobal.php';

instead of:

   include '../chartglobal.php';

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 20, 2010, 04:22:36 PM
It is written that way so I can conveniently zip all the files each time a new revision is created, and I don't have to worry about including my credentials for our Feng Office installation, which happened several times in the past.  :-[ ::) :o
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: selyay May 21, 2010, 03:51:37 AM
It was my understanding that PHP could display the following character sets, so they are the ones I added to the array in the source code for the selection form:

'ISO-8859-15', 'ISO-8859-1', 'cp1252', 'UTF-8', 'cp866', 'cp1251', 'KOI8-R', 'BIG5', 'GB2312', 'BIG5-HKSCS', 'Shift_JIS', 'EUC-JP'
I'm not sure what would happen if you added your ISO code and description to the arrays in the source code.  Are you saying you tried that and it did not help?

The only thing I can think of is to select the same code as your database and see if that works, or select UniCode (UTF-8) and see if that works.  Sorry I'm not much help.

does those code  selections effect Workspaces and Resources listings?
also some workspaces and resources don't shown, just blank lines
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 21, 2010, 10:23:43 AM
Workspaces and Resources are processed and displayed using the "htmlentities" function, per this line of code:

$pName = htmlentities($row_RsFeng['pName'], 3, "UTF-8", false); //ENT_NOQUOTES=DEFAULT, ENT_COMPAT=2, ENT_QUOTES=3

You may want to change the UTF-8 argument to something that works better, or the second argument, which handles translation.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: emjay May 25, 2010, 08:48:05 AM

CREATE FUNCTION opengoo16fresh.`my_getworkspace` (

sCHAR( 20 )
FROM my_workspaces

#1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

sed -i "s/fengoffice_dev/enter_db_name_here/g" feng_gantt_13.1.sql

sed -i "s/CREATE PROCEDURE /delimiter \$\$\r\nCREATE PROCEDURE /g"

sed -i "s/END;/END\$\$\r\ndelimiter ;\n/g" feng_gantt_13.1.sql

works much better now for me, using phpmyadmin for executing the sql-statements ;)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: peterchanhua May 27, 2010, 04:25:04 AM
Hello Allen,

Thanks for your GREAT WORK!! :D The Chart can be shown and it is nice!

However, does it support multilingual? When I input chinese characters in the task subject in Feng Office Task, I can see the chinese words. But the chart cannot shows chinese characters, it show some "???" instead. Do you have any clue for this issue?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook May 27, 2010, 08:58:19 AM
You're very welcome, and thanks for the appreciation.

Does it help to change the "Character Set" field to something else?  Like, ASCII/Unicode, or Chinese Simplified, or Chinese Traditional, or Chinese+HK?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gah242s May 28, 2010, 02:48:53 PM
I seem to have a problem with Charsets that is killing things.  In looking at the Page Source, as the last line I see:

Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

I've tried changing everything to utf8_unicode_ci, tried removing the implicit from all of the Functions, and dropped, re-imported the tables multiple times.  This was only an issue when I chose specific resources on 11.2, but 13.1 gives this for everything and just gives me a blank page.

The last few lines before the error are:

   g.setDateDisplayFormat('mm/dd/yyyy'); // Set format to display dates ('mm/dd/yyyy', 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
   g.setFormatArr("day","week","month","quarter"); // Set format options (up to 4 : "minute","hour","day","week","month","quarter")
   if( g ) {

        Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Gertjan Tillema May 31, 2010, 10:34:28 AM
I have the same
Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT)error.

Can somebody give a hint to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook June 01, 2010, 09:34:11 AM
What version of MySQL are you running?

There is some information on the error (in vBulletin) here:

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Gertjan Tillema June 02, 2010, 09:12:44 AM
I'm running MySQL 5.1.36.

I'll take a look at the link you posted, thanks.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Gertjan Tillema June 02, 2010, 10:09:55 AM
Hmz, I tried to alter all the tables, but I still receive the error from the php part of the index.php. It doesn't matter if I change all tables to unicode or to general.

Update: the problem seems to be when I do 'call get_my_tasks1'. All other procedures (except get_my_gantt, because get_my_task1 is in it) don't give the error.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook June 02, 2010, 01:34:20 PM
My SQL guru Kevin is taking a look into it.  We're not really MySQL or collation experts however  :-[
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook June 02, 2010, 02:17:47 PM
Here's his response(s)...

A few things to check….in this order preferably

1.   He has the latest scripts we loaded?
2.   What happens if he calls the stored procedure through Toad?
3.   He is on version 5.1.36, w are on 5.1.44.  It could be here…?
4.   It looks like he is getting the error when running this particular part of get_my_tasks1 (cast(concat(77777,`og_project_tasks`.`id`) as char(16) charset utf8)), if so, then he should try playing with the cast function on it to convert it to a more appropriate collation setting for him, or perhaps removing it altogether.

That should give some things to try….
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: rayanami June 04, 2010, 04:17:01 AM
Hi all,

I followed the instructions on the front page and after that run the index.php and it gave me this error:

Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\fengoffice\application\views\lab\index.php  on line 203

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../chartglobal.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\fengoffice\application\views\lab\index.php on line 203

I am using XAMPP 1.7.3 and Fengoffice 1.7RC2

Has anyone encountered this problem?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook June 04, 2010, 08:50:40 AM
Please read the instructions inside the index.php file - it tells you how to set up your database connection, either by including the settings right inside the index.php file itself, or by referencing a file one level above called chartglobal.php that contains the settings.

With frequent updates, it's easier to keep the settings in a separate directory so they don't constantly get overwritten (or accidentally shared with the world).
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: akiuser June 18, 2010, 05:12:14 AM
I get the SQL-Error #1418 using phpmyadmin for the SQL-statements:


CREATE FUNCTION opengoo16fresh.`my_getworkspace` (

sCHAR( 20 )
FROM my_workspaces

MySQL meldet:

#1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

hmmm, whats wrong?


I had the same problem in feng_gantt_13.1.sql
Fixed this by adding  READS SQL DATA do every CREATE FUNCTION statement.

e.g.: (i use $$ delimiters)
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS my_getworkspace$$
CREATE FUNCTION `my_getworkspace`(s CHAR(20)) RETURNS char(128) CHARSET utf8 READS SQL DATA
RETURN (select pID from my_workspaces where pID=s)$$

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman June 23, 2010, 09:32:08 PM
After successfully installing, I cannot generate a Gantt chart. In the frame source, I get this error - but don't know what it is or how to fix:

PROCEDURE database_xxxxx.get_my_workspaces does not exist

Suggestions welcome.  ???
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook June 28, 2010, 10:18:42 AM
It would appear your script did not run completely, try running it again, and then ensure that the function in question does exist.  Also make sure you are referring to the correct database in your settings in the index.php file (near the GIMME_GANTT tag).
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mangoman June 29, 2010, 02:34:01 AM
Thanks. I checked and the database settings are OK, but what do you mean:
"then ensure that the function in question does exist. "

I re-uploaded the script, 5 times unsuccessfully - with different delimiters, UTF8 and latin1, uploading and uisng PHPmyAdmin's query - and am back to square one. That is, nothing.  >:( In fact, I'm trying to drop the tables and get these errors:
#1051 - Unknown table 'my_milestonestoworkspaces'
#1051 - Unknown table 'my_jsgantt,my_milestones'

They show corrupt and I cannot even drop them now. Maddening. When I got this...
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE `my_tblmilestones` ( `rowcount` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `pI' at line 2

...I thought it may be the ` character - but that didn't change the result. Any other suggestions are appreciated.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook June 29, 2010, 09:50:03 AM
You were getting an error referencing a missing procedure, so my previous suggestion was to ensure the procedure (I called it a function) actually existed...

PROCEDURE database_xxxxx.get_my_workspaces does not exist
Secondly, you probably cannot drop a VIEW by issuing the DROP TABLE command, you will most likely have to use the DROP VIEW command (referencing my_milestones, my_milestonestoworkspaces and similar views).
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: kmel July 06, 2010, 10:58:19 PM
Has anyone got the gantt charts to work with MySQL 5.0.22?  I am getting a SQL syntax error instead of a gantt chart on my production sever running MySQL 5.0.22.

I got it to work on my XAMPP install running MySQL 5.1.41.

In case anyone else is having trouble getting the SQL script to run, I had to make these changes to get it to run clean.

I was using the MySQL client from a dos command prompt with the Source statement to run the SQL script and had to modify the SQL script a bit to get it to run clean.  I had to change the Delimiter before and after each create procedure statement and change the END statement.

Delimiter //
Create Procedure ..

End //
Delimiter ;

MySQL was interpreting the ; delimiter inside the procedure as the end and giving a syntax error.

On MySQL 5.0.22 I also had to modify the last procedure call for get_my_gantt
It wouldn’t take the call statements until I added () to the end of each statement.
call get_my_workspaces();

On MySQL 5.1.41 it scripted either way with or without the () and displayed the gantt chart with the () in the procedure.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: kmel July 08, 2010, 05:19:31 PM
I have the gantt chart working on my production system now but I am having trouble with the printer friendly option.  When I click the printer friendly button the print preview windows locks up the browser, doesn’t display anything and I have to cancel out which kills the entire browser session.

This is an update on what I did to get it working on my production system.  The upgrading to MySQL 5.1.48 didn’t fix the problem I was having.  It did change the MySQL error code from a generic syntax error to this one that I see other people have had:

"  Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='"

When I created the fengoffice database on my production system I selected Collation utf8_unicode_ci for the database instead of leaving it the default.

From the MySQL client, I changed the collation on the database back to the default that all the other database where using latin1_swedish_ci.

This is the MySQL command statement that I used (my database is named fengoffice)

Alter Database fengoffice Collate latin1_swedish_ci;
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: lexa August 15, 2010, 11:07:00 AM
i had to do this in order to be able to execute the mySQL script :

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: lexa August 15, 2010, 11:22:06 AM
Unfortunately, all my workspaces do not appear
And when I launch the script, I have "Query execution was interrupted" in the source of the page

I believe both are due to the fact that we have a lot of data at Silex Labs.. :(
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: lexa August 15, 2010, 11:45:01 AM
Ok one more ...  ::)

In the file index.php I hade to replace UTF-8 by iso-8859-1 where htmlentities is called. Then I could see the contexts and ressources even if they have accents.

Some of the context which should be inside other contexts are at the root of the tree. Some root context do not appear...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook August 16, 2010, 09:54:44 AM
Are you now seeing all of your workspaces?

Can you give me an example of contexts not appearing, or mistakenly appearing at the root level?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Murz August 31, 2010, 06:08:06 AM
I have found the similar project http://www.clockingit.com/ (from http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/02/14-applications-for-project-management-and-collaboration/ article)
And it have very beautiful interface for editing gantt charts: http://vimeo.com/1331210
Maybe we can give some examples from it?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook August 31, 2010, 11:06:46 AM

I'm not quite certain what you are asking?  Can you help me understand?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Murz August 31, 2010, 11:17:43 AM
I'm not quite certain what you are asking?  Can you help me understand?
I show you the example how other projects uses gantt charts, maybe you can get some ideas of user interface, design, code samples from it.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook August 31, 2010, 11:28:30 AM
Ah, thank you!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ricb13 September 08, 2010, 07:15:25 PM

I'm trying to upload the SQL file but it generates errors

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice.get_my_workspaces `` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

# 1 064 - You Have An error in your SQL syntax, check the manual That
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces'
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jckresq September 08, 2010, 10:09:10 PM
I get a slightly different error within MySQLadmin:

CREATE FUNCTION fengoffice.`my_getworkspace` (
s CHAR( 20 )
) RETURNS char( 128 ) CHARSET latin1 RETURN (
FROM my_workspaces

MySQL said: Documentation
#1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

Any ideas, got me stumped.... using V13.1 installed in a tab. But this is the SQL code to create the tables/functions etc... where it is failing.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 09, 2010, 03:16:22 AM
Sorry, I am not a MySQL expert, but I would read the MySQL documentation and Google the error message to find the solution to this particular problem.  Our code does not work for every iteration of MySQL implementation, but most problems like this are easily surpassed with a Google search.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gain September 23, 2010, 01:03:48 PM
Hi! I'm trying to install feng gant on fengoffice 1.7.2, but an error occours...
In the sql file, for every procedure I try to execute, mysql say me:

query SQL:

CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

Messaggio di MySQL:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

With this message, I cant find where the error is...
Any help would be appreciated...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 23, 2010, 01:15:49 PM

Sorry to refer you back into the (quite lengthy) thread, but I believe there are several causes of this error and the fixes are outlined within.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: gain September 23, 2010, 01:19:02 PM
Sorry for the dumb question... is the delimiter problem mentioned a page ago (not so far...)

Thanks anyway... ^^
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 23, 2010, 01:21:31 PM
No worries.  Good luck!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ctrdevelopments September 25, 2010, 12:18:21 PM

this is just what I have been after for Feng! I am a total nnob though and cant get it to install! When I try to execute the sql, phpmyadmin come back with the following error

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_tblmilestones;

MySQL said: 

#1046 - No database selected

I have entered all the bits and bobs into a chartglobal.php file within the same folder as the rest of the files?

Can anyone help?


: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 25, 2010, 05:05:32 PM
Have you typed your database name in at the beginning of the script?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ctrdevelopments September 25, 2010, 06:16:47 PM
OK, I sorted that out, there was a typo on my behalf...

However, when I now try I get the following error

SQL query: 

CREATE VIEW `my_workspaces` AS select `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`id` AS `pID`,replace(`ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`name`,'&','and') AS `pName`,NULL AS `pStart`,NULL AS `pEnd`,`ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`color` AS `pColor`,0 AS `pMile`,NULL AS `pRes`,NULL AS `pEmail`,'0' AS `pComp`,1 AS `pGroup`,(case `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`id` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p1` then 0 when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p2` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p1` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p3` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p2` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p4` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p3` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p5` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p4` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p6` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p5` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p7` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p6` when `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_projects`.`p8` then `ctrdevel_feng237`.`og_pro[...]

MySQL said: 

#1146 - Table 'ctrdevel_feng237.og_projects' doesn't exist

I have had a look at the database I the 'prefix' for all my data is 'fo' rather than 'og'

If I go through and changethem all should this fix it?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 25, 2010, 06:37:25 PM
I believe so.  Good luck!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ctrdevelopments September 25, 2010, 06:48:34 PM
hmm, well if seems to have got a bit further this time. But now it fails with this

CREATE PROCEDURE ctrdevel_feng237.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

Although in the php code it is as follows

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ctrdevel_feng237.get_my_workspaces;
CREATE PROCEDURE ctrdevel_feng237.`get_my_workspaces`()

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 25, 2010, 07:15:08 PM
That's not PHP, its SQL. Is there an error msg?   On flight to Zurich and have to hang up soon. Run it again if necessary.  :)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ctrdevelopments September 25, 2010, 07:24:47 PM
Yes, error messgae is as follows.

MySQL said: 

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

I have looked up the error code which is

•Error: 1064 SQLSTATE: 42000 (ER_PARSE_ERROR)
Message: %s near '%s' at line %d

Thanks ever so much for helping, I really appreciate it!

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 26, 2010, 11:03:02 AM
Search within this thread, probably just a few pages back, for issues with DELIMITER.  That may help.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ctrdevelopments September 27, 2010, 09:21:07 AM
aha, the sql is now execting correctly! So thanks ever so much. However I get this error message both in the tab and the index.php pages

//(GIMMEGANTT) - Set up our connection to the Feng Office database. // There are two methods of connecting, either uncomment and fill in the fields // below, or place the same settings in another PHP file and 'include' it here. // To avoid confusion, uncomment and use one method, not both. // OR FILL IN FIELDS. $hostname_Feng = "localhost"; $database_Feng = "****"; $username_Feng = "****"; $password_Feng = "*****";
Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user '****'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/ctrdevel/public_html/feng/application/views/lab/index.php on line 211

Fatal error: Access denied for user 'ctrdevel'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/ctrdevel/public_html/feng/application/views/lab/index.php on line 211

Is this that I have entered the incorrect data for username and/or passwords etc?


I think I am getting there, thanks for all the noob help!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 27, 2010, 09:24:57 AM
This is a MySQL error indicating that your indicated user does not have access to the database.  You can find better information (and a possible resolution) by Googling the MySQL documentation and/or that specific error message.

Remember to redact (remove) your password when posting your code, just to be safe.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ctrdevelopments September 27, 2010, 12:43:28 PM
OK, I have it connecting now  :)

However, when I go to the separate page, and indeed the tab, I can select the relevant workspace, but there is no submit button? The box named 'resources' is empty (not sure if this is correct or not). It looks like the same issue as fernandog on the first page of this topic.

Is this a case of something I have not configured correctly?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 28, 2010, 03:56:32 AM
The answers to all of your questions are contained in this thread.  If I could ask you to please read the entire thread, especially the first three messages - all of these questions have been asked and answered.

You probably have some special characters in your workspaces or resources which are causing an error during the query of the database.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bettonville October 05, 2010, 09:31:17 AM
Dear Allen

We have opted for the seperate tab, and included all code given in your posts.
Unfortunatly we can't see any data appearing, nor we get any errors... I assume that the database connection is fine.
Please advise why we can't see any workspaces?

Thanks and best regards,
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ksraghavendra October 25, 2010, 01:33:44 PM
Hi Allen,
I get a similar problem. When I tried to import the given .sql file in phpMyadmin I got the following error-

SQL query:

CREATE VIEW `my_workspaces` AS select `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`id` AS `pID`,replace(`lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`name`,'&','and') AS `pName`,NULL AS `pStart`,NULL AS `pEnd`,`lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`color` AS `pColor`,0 AS `pMile`,NULL AS `pRes`,NULL AS `pEmail`,'0' AS `pComp`,1 AS `pGroup`,(case `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`id` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p1` then 0 when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p2` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p1` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p3` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p2` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p4` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p3` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p5` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p4` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p6` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p5` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p7` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p6` when `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_projects`.`p8` then `lifetech_jsgantt`.`og_proj[...]

MySQL said:

#1146 - Table 'lifetech_jsgantt.og_projects' doesn't exist

When I open the tab in Firefox, I get empty workspaces frame. When I go to View frame source I find the following error-

<td style="width: 465px; height: 144px;">
                      <select multiple="multiple" size="10" name="selWorkspaces[]" style="width: 250px">

                                Table 'lifetech_jsgantt.my_workspaces' doesn't exist

Pls help me out.
Thanks in advance,
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mpolichette November 10, 2010, 03:23:53 PM
Hi Allen and others,

I am trying to add Gannt Charts using your plugin and I am running into a problem.  I am able to run the SQL script (After the delimiter change) and the tables/procedures are all created just fine.  Then when i access the index.php file from my browser, everything in the page seems to show up except the workspaces...  All that is there is a bunch of dots,  the dots seem to follow the structure of the workspaces in my feng install but they don't have any names.  I don't think that it is a access problem, but I could be wrong.

It also will not create any Gannt charts, but that may be tied to the fact that I cannot select any workspaces...

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Matt P
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: IntDex January 11, 2011, 09:38:14 PM
Good evening.
Please help us fix the following problems:
Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\HomServ\home\feng\demo\application\views\lab\index.php on line 203

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../chartglobal.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\HomServ\php5\pear') in C:\HomServ\home\feng\demo\application\views\lab\index.php on line 203

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:\HomServ\home\feng\demo\application\views\lab\index.php on line 211

Fatal error: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:\HomServ\home\feng\demo\application\views\lab\index.php on line 211
And the error when executing sql(MySQL 5.0.67-community) scripts:
CREATE PROCEDURE feng.`get_og_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM og_tblworkspaces;

Send MySQL:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mpolichette January 12, 2011, 03:51:58 PM

I think you need to modify the index.php file (Yours appears to be at C:\HomServ\home\feng\demo\application\views\lab\index.php...)

You probably want to comment out the include statement and then set you MYSQL settings right below it. 

I think you need to re-read the first couple posts on this thread, all those steps are covered in there.

By the way, anyone who was concerned, I found a solution to my problems... it was two-fold...
first, the included SQL script included with this plugin kept choking (mostly because of the delimiter problem), eventually i just went through and added each table manually one at a time and found that It was not entering the procedure correctly, (i did this a while ago and don't remember what I did to fix that). 
Second, in index.php the method htmlentities was, instead of returning workspace names and usernames, returning blanks, so I would get the structure of the workspaces in dots (i.e.   a bunch of "...") but no names.  By removing the htmlentities method call I got the names to appear.  (I know that it is probably a security hole now, but thats how I did it,  I would be interested in hearing a better solution.)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: IntDex February 03, 2011, 10:28:19 AM
Hi Allen, i have the same problem as in bettonville. How to solve it?

Attach screenshot again!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Medvedka February 09, 2011, 04:16:45 AM
Hi Allen, i have the same problem as in bettonville. How to solve it?

Attach screenshot again!

I have had the same problem. Pay attention to the codepage of tables in the script from the distribution. It must match the codepage of tables in your database.

Now I have another problem. Does not work on the selection of resources. Everything looks fine when I choose in Resources: "Select All", but if i choose someone individually - I recieve nothing.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jvanberckel March 23, 2011, 11:09:56 AM
Hello all,

I have also a problem executing the jsgantt sql (modified).
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 207: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

Could anyone post a working sql?

I use Feng Office 1.7.4

Thank you in advance!

Joost van Berckel
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 23, 2011, 12:29:18 PM
The answers to each of these questions is contained within this thread, especially the 1604 error, which is covered only 1 or 2 pages prior.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jvanberckel March 23, 2011, 08:59:18 PM
Dear Allen,

It works thanks to your hint. Apparently I did not read the entire thread completely.
The trick that did it was using delimiters. Thank you once more!!!

Joost van Berckel
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook March 24, 2011, 08:54:06 AM
Fantastic!  Glad you got it working.  :)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sgago April 04, 2011, 10:44:25 AM
Dear Allen,

Thank you for your valuable contribution to feng office.

I followed all the steps above and I have read the forum to resolve several installation errors.

I think I have pretty much all fixed. But in the last step, I have been blocked. I think the reason is that it can not read the workspaces / tasks created. I have checked the credentials to access the database and them are correct.

I get a series of warnings in the lab tab:
Notice: Undefined index: hidSubmitted in D:\feng_community\application\views\lab\index.php on line 215
Notice: Undefined variable: sel in D:\feng_community\application\views\lab\index.php on line 368
Notice: Undefined index: pID in D:\feng_community\application\views\lab\index.php on line 371
and more ...

You could guide me to resolve this error, please.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 04, 2011, 10:55:39 AM
Hmmm, can you tell me what version of FengOffice you are running?

I am wondering if I have not kept up with the latest and greatest version?

If it is not too much to ask, could you send me the contents of your lab tab so that I can see all of the errors?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sgago April 05, 2011, 07:21:51 AM
I'm running the lastest version of feng office (1.7.4). Can it be the problem?

I've attached the lab tab screenshots.

Maybe I should try the plugin with an earlier version of feng office...


: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 05, 2011, 08:21:54 AM
hidSubmitted is just a variable that is used to determine whether or not the form has been submitted, so I'm not sure why it's throwing an "undefined index" error.

I wonder if there is some missing punctuation in the source file.  Please double-check all of your punctuation near those errors, as that might fix it quickly, especially just before line 215.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: sgago April 06, 2011, 11:17:07 AM
Dear Allen,

It works perfect. The vars warnings seem to be caused by my php server (wamp). I simply have removed the warnings in the php.ini configuration. (Luckily I found people who had the same problem with these warnings running other php codes under last version of wamp)

If someone else uses fengoffice under wamp server, they probably have those same problems installing the jsgantt, but for now, them are only warnings.

Thank you very much for the good work.

Keep in touch!  ;)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook April 06, 2011, 12:00:34 PM
Glad you got it sorted!  Enjoy!  :)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shodgman April 22, 2011, 09:53:45 AM
I have the Gantt Chart working in 1.74 as a standalone URL.
However, after following the instrucitons on Page 5 of this thread, I do not have a new Tab.

I assume I have done something wrong but cannot see what that might be.
In the public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js I event added my new tab to the var module_tabs definition as this seemed like it needed to be put there.  However, this did not make it work.

Just confirming whether I neet to refresh the webserver after these updates?  Mine is a hosted site, not sure I can do that.

I would also like to know if anyone knows how to stop public access to the gantt page?  As it makes no reference to the FengOffice authentication etc, it seems this page is available form anywhere.

Anyway, thanks Allen for a great extension.  I will be playing with the SQL to get things how we need them.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shodgman April 24, 2011, 05:02:18 AM
I still do not have the Tab working but have been playing wiht the output anyway.

When I select more than one resource, I was not getting output.
I investigated index.php and found the call to "get_my_rowcountparents" was not working as wanted:
if($SQL_resources_argument != '') {
        $RsFeng = mysql_query('CALL get_my_rowcountparents (' . $SQL_resources_argument . ')', $Feng) or die(mysql_error());

I added a single quote so the parameter(s) would be treated as one parameter as per the definition.

if($SQL_resources_argument != '') {
        $RsFeng = mysql_query('CALL get_my_rowcountparents (\'' . $SQL_resources_argument . '\')', $Feng) or die(mysql_error());

This then selected the tasks that were assigned to the people/resources  in question.  It still works for one and zero Resources as well.

I hope that helps someone.  Thanks again for a great extension.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shodgman April 24, 2011, 08:56:31 AM
Another small issue I had was to do with Resources.
We have users with "display_name" that is different form their "username".
The original list of resources was using "display_name" while the constructed views in mySQL were showing "username".

I was not sure about changing the SQL so I changed:
$query_RsFeng = "SELECT display_name as pRes FROM og_users ORDER BY pRes";
$query_RsFeng = "SELECT username as pRes FROM og_users ORDER BY pRes";

This means that the names shown on the gantt chart correspond with the Resouces selected in the form.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: shodgman April 27, 2011, 07:09:34 PM
G'day there,
I have just become aware that the "Backup Plugin" is no longer working on my site.
I think it started to fail at about the same time I added the VIEWs etc required to make the Gantt chart extension work.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I cannot investigate now but will do later an update then.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: chrish May 05, 2011, 03:25:36 PM
Using latest Feng 1.7
Using latest Gantt download 13.1

All works too well.  I always see every 'Workspace'.  Not sure how the security is supposed to work, but I want to limit users to only be able to chart their available Workspaces and not others Workspaces.

: I can't execute sql script
: local May 21, 2011, 10:58:59 AM
when i executed sql script, i saw this error:
CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice_dev.`get_my_workspaces` (
) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: e1th0r May 26, 2011, 09:02:26 PM
I've the same problem:

mysql fengoffice_dev  < feng_gantt_13.1.sql -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 225: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

My mysql server version is:
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.49, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 6.1

Thank very much
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: fesalud May 31, 2011, 07:21:20 AM
Dear allenlook

We've read your post and we've tried to install the jsGantt component in our FengOffice application. But, unfortunately we've found some issues during the process and we're hopeful you may help us solving them.

We've follow the instructions in the installation guide, we've created the Labs tab in Feng Office but we get a "Not Found" error, because the iframe component links to "/application/views/lab/index.php" and this file is not included in the install package. We need those files in order to make it work properly. So, could you please give us some indication about where to find them? Or some kind of guide to complete all the process...

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: local July 02, 2011, 07:23:44 AM
i have some problem in index.php file:
Notice: Undefined index: hidSubmitted in /var/www/newfeng/trunk174/application/views/lab/index.php on line 215
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0012   896064   {main}( )   ../index.php:0
i fix these errors with using array_var function but still no chart appears
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: abdsheikh July 11, 2011, 04:06:09 AM
Hey allen I am a beginner. I wanted to integrate Gantt chart and also ina new tab so i followed all the instruction. copied all the codes that u specified on pg5. but when i tried to run index.php, i get this error
Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 203

Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 203

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../chartglobal.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/share/pear') in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 203

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 211

Fatal error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 211

Please guide me on how to correct it
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: abdsheikh July 11, 2011, 06:00:26 AM
Hey allen I am a beginner. I wanted to integrate Gantt chart and also ina new tab so i followed all the instruction. copied all the codes that u specified on pg5. but when i tried to run index.php, i get this error
Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 203

Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 203

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../chartglobal.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/share/pear') in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 203

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 211

Fatal error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 211

Please guide me on how to correct it

I have already entered my sql detail. I then also deleted the comment and line mentioning chartglobal.php
which now looks like dis

//(GIMMEGANTT) - Set up our connection to the Feng Office database.
   //$hostname_Feng = "pdb1.awardspace.com";
   //$database_Feng = "abdsheikh_feng";
   //$username_Feng = "abdsheikh_feng";
   //$password_Feng = "-----";
   // Actually make the connection to the database.
   $Feng = mysql_pconnect($hostname_Feng, $username_Feng, $password_Feng) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR)

Now the error i am getting is

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 205

Fatal error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/www/admin.nixorit.org/application/views/lab/index.php on line 205
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: abdsheikh July 11, 2011, 08:11:56 AM
SO now i have installed ganttchart, i am getting this error. I cannot see my workspaces or anything init
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: abdsheikh July 11, 2011, 04:47:50 PM
Glad you got it sorted!  Enjoy!  :)
PLz reply
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: beto July 15, 2011, 02:35:21 PM

I already done everything I have the "Labs" tab correctly in FengOffice and I can see the form from there but when I submit or when I click over Printer Friendly I don't get anything just a blank new window, I atached the MySQL log, maybe somebody can check it and tell if the error is there?

Thanks, I appreciate it.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 12:03:14 PM
Allen. i'm having an issue w/the SQL script. I've gone in and changed all the db names to match what my db contains, i also had to remove all the og_ and replace them with feng_ as my db contained those names. Once i've done all of this i get this error when i run now...

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE annosoft_fng1.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4

Any clue on that one? I'm so close..  but still hung up on this. tried a number of options..
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: beto July 27, 2011, 12:12:02 PM

I had the same problem and I solved it, the solution you can find it in page 7 of this topic you have to add another delimiter to the procedures, try it that's the answer, please tell me what happened when you finish.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 12:30:53 PM
Well that messed it up even more.. i get this error now...

There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem

ERROR: Unknown Punctuation String @ 90
STR: //


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS annosoft_fng1.get_my_workspaces//
CREATE PROCEDURE annosoft_fng1.`get_my_workspaces`()

DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

SQL query:

-- DROP and CREATE PROCEDUREs DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS annosoft_fng1.get_my_workspaces// CREATE PROCEDURE annosoft_fng1.`get_my_workspaces`() BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '//
CREATE PROCEDURE annosoft_fng1.`get_my_workspaces`()

DELETE FROM m' at line 3

Based on what you said i replaced the ;'s before the CREATE PROCEDURE (line before) and the ones after END so it reads END//
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 12:43:00 PM
The first instructions on Page 7 indicate:

For those of you seeing this error, this happened to me also, the problem turned out to be the delimiter used between the lines in the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statements, I changed the delimiter to // right before all the CREATE PROCEDURE statements, and make sure the final "END" for each ends in a // rather than a ;

Then you set the DELIMITER back to ; after the CREATE PROCEDURE statements

Did you change the delimiter the SQL engine expects using the DELIMITER command, or did you just change the delimiter text in your code?  See the sample code on this page:

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: beto July 27, 2011, 12:46:42 PM
That worked for me, take a look at my .sql it's not complete it only has the changes made on the procedures that were causing the problems, the same that are causing yours. Try to apply it to yours and tell me please what happens

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: beto July 27, 2011, 12:52:29 PM
Hi Allen,

I already have jsGantt working alright but it doesn't responds to the user roles and permissions, is there a way that I could implement that or has someone already walked through this?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 12:55:05 PM
There are no user roles or permissions associated with it.  I believe the Feng people were looking at a more robust solution, but this one was developed to suit our own internal needs, which did not include security.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 01:14:03 PM
ok well i modified your script to look for my databases and changed all the og_ to feng_ (as thats what the entries are named in my db) and it runs successfully, but now it doesn't  create any my_whatevers. And when i pull up the Labs tab, the screen is there w/an empty box even though i have a workspace w/a few tasks in it.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 01:26:30 PM
The solution for that is probably in one of the first few posts in this thread.  I suspect bad or un-escaped data, perhaps single or double quotes in your workspace names?

Do a "View Page Source" and you will likely see the error message at the bottom of the HTML that tells you what is wrong.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: beto July 27, 2011, 01:30:24 PM

Have you created the my_  tables? because I attached the .sql only with the procedure querys.

Try removing all the jsGantt tables, functions and procedures it's quick and then run the complete .sql, I recommend you to divide the entire .sql in 2 parts first run the part where you create the tables and functions and after that you should run the other part the one that has all the procedures (the one that I attached earlier), that worked perfectly for me.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 01:41:18 PM
AHA! Ok yeah, i didn't realize it was a 2 part deal. :) Tables created sucessfully and updated using ur script. now, when i go to the actual Labs page, i see 2 boxes: One with the workspace lists and an empty one. It says on the left that i need to select stuff and hit submit.. but.. no submit button. ?? Whats up w/that?!

NOTE : I'm only using Allen's jsgantt files and NOT the ones from the jsgantt site. Is that correct?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 01:49:12 PM
Your data has something in it that the code doesn't like.  Probably a single or double quote.  Read the first few posts in this thread.  That problem in particular, and its resolution, is probably listed.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 02:02:13 PM

Hmm in the data? Not sure i get you. Are you referring to the entries in the application or the items that were edited to make the site available?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 02:05:12 PM
Did you read the third post in this thread?  Did you use "View Page Source"?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 02:13:57 PM
Yep, i looked at that and i'm not seeing any errors in the source. Its funny because the screen IS seeing the workspaces.. but its not listing the resources nor the submit button...

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 02:20:27 PM
Please post the result of your "View Page Source".
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 02:32:51 PM
Here ya go. had to attach it as a text file
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: abdsheikh July 27, 2011, 02:34:43 PM
Did you read the third post in this thread?  Did you use "View Page Source"?

@ allen

Can you please post the updated SQL file. I am really bad at it and i have been trying to run it for about a week now. It just the sql that keeps on giving errors. everything else is fine. Please
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 03:21:33 PM
Here ya go. had to attach it as a text file

That source code is cut off.  I don't see where it gets to my code at all...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 03:22:56 PM
Can you please post the updated SQL file. I am really bad at it and i have been trying to run it for about a week now. It just the sql that keeps on giving errors. everything else is fine. Please

I'm sorry, I don't know what updated SQL file you need - if you are asking about the DELIMITER issue, it's not something I ever needed to do as my MySQL instance was fine without it and I can't know how yours is configured.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 03:46:22 PM

Well thats odd.. hmm.. i've viewed the source via safari and chrome and it looks exactly like what i sent. last function is og.eventManager.addListener('refresh_assignees',
       function (assign){
         assigned_user = assign;
         og.openLink(og.getUrl('task', 'allowed_users_to_assign', {ws_id:wsVal}), {callback:og.drawUserLists});

Perhaps its not getting to something?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 04:42:50 PM
Line 533 of that file is only:

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 05:33:37 PM
oh.. mine doesn't short on that line. readding it in case it got munged ...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 05:36:47 PM
Same exact problem.  Is there an upload limit on files on this forum?  You may want to try zipping it...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 05:39:20 PM
haha yeah there is, 500k. ?? This file is 16k. Nothings going right for me today. :)

here's a zipped version.. see if that works.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 05:49:12 PM
OK, that's the whole file, but I still don't see any of my code in there.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 05:51:30 PM
Hmm.. i'm at a loss then. I added in all the bits, connected it all up and it "appears" to be working. it fetching the info that is on my site related to workspaces, just not the rest. HMm...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 27, 2011, 05:54:51 PM
If you're using a Mac, I can't really help.  If that browser works like Firefox, perhaps try to right-click in the frame where the form appears, and select "View frame source".  You may be getting the wrong source, eg. that for the master page but not for embedded frames...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 27, 2011, 06:00:39 PM
i booted it up on my pc and looked at the page src and it appeared the same. Here's the frame source for the .. frame. :)

Thanks for your help on this!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 28, 2011, 11:13:12 AM
OK, so the last line of that file you just sent me has your error message:

Table 'annosoft_fng2.og_users' doesn't exist
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 28, 2011, 11:40:28 AM
ok thats good to know. Basically i'm looking at my db and (as noted before) all of my entries are prefixed with feng_ not og_. I did make that change in the sql files before updated, but where would it be referencing og_users? I looked in index.php and the only reference to og_users is part of a variable which means its getting referenced from somewhere, somewhere i probably didn't update.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 28, 2011, 11:45:09 AM
Sorry, I don't have your site / code / database in front of me.  All I can recommend is that you do a text search for og_ and consider changing it to feng_ if that suits your purposes (I cannot say) and that you follow the instructions in the code I created for the Labs tab.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 28, 2011, 11:50:38 AM
ok i got it displaying correctly now... it was indeed referenced in index.php as part of a string... changing that allows me to do selections now.

My only last bit is that when i select items, and hit Submit, it just displays the same window. I'm going back through the thread but if you have any pointers that would be great.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bpritchard July 28, 2011, 11:52:36 AM
scratch that last comment.. .its working now.

Thank you VERY VERY much for all the help... both of you!

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook July 28, 2011, 11:59:24 AM
Fantastic, enjoy!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: beto July 28, 2011, 12:15:55 PM
I'm glad you got it working ok  Bryan

Thanks Allen for your help

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: e1th0r August 03, 2011, 03:11:45 PM
Ready, fengoffice and gantt chart working perfectly. I've made a little how-to, sorry, only in spanish, for now, tomorow I will translate to english. You can see it in my blog e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve/?p=346 Best Regards and thank you for your excellent work.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jolivaresd August 21, 2011, 01:15:43 PM
Hi Friend!
i see only "select all" in workspaces and resources, and can't see all the workspaces and resources, HELP!!!!
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook August 22, 2011, 09:30:17 AM
Read the second post in this thread.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jolivaresd August 24, 2011, 12:06:12 PM
Thanks friend, but i chose the method 2, and it's working good... thanks again, good day for you...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: ericmorasse August 30, 2011, 10:24:54 PM
I do not know if my problem has already been mentioned. I have read several pages of the 22 pages without finding exactly my problem. So I take a chance.

I have installed all the files and change the different settings for database.

I have a problem when i run the query (included in feng_gantt_13.1.sql file) in phpMyAdmin. The error message is:

SQL query:

CREATE PROCEDURE ericmor_feng.`get_my_workspaces` (

) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4 

The filed and view are created in the database.

So, when i'm going to index.php page to set the gantt chart, I see only one workspace, my workspace, (I have 5 or 6 different workspaces that contain tasks) and i see only one ressources (I have 2 ressources in my Feng Office).

If I set the only workspace that I have and submit, nothing appear except the Printer Friendly button. If I click it, a blank window appears.

I have Feng Office 1.7.5. Is this a feature that could be included in a future update? I really appreciate.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook August 31, 2011, 08:51:47 AM
Search for DELIMITER in this thread, it may fix your issue.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: bplmalaysia September 20, 2011, 06:13:06 AM

I'm getting this error, can you help?


SQL query:

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS nextproj.my_getworkspacerow;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. Created with MySQL 50045, now running 50158. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.

Thank You
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 20, 2011, 09:22:34 AM
Did you try the mysql_upgrade command as indicated?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: alexandz December 15, 2011, 04:42:49 PM
how I can create for jsgantt index.php?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: stephan33 December 24, 2011, 12:51:25 AM
Resolved, had to change the delimiter to // for the version of MySQL I am using.

First thank you for all the good post on here, I am just getting started with Fengoffice 1.7 and got everything running just fine.

I was intrigued with the Gantt cart "patch" and downloaded v 13.1 which is attached to this thread.

The SQL script appears to bum at the (everything before was executed fine)
CREATE PROCEDURE getwebit_office17.`get_my_workspaces`()

The error I am getting in the client is:

/* SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AS `pParent`,  (CASE `og_projects`.`p2` WHEN 0 THEN  `og_projects`.`p1` ELSE' at line 1 */
/* SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'END' at line 1 */
/* 0 rows affected, 0 rows found. Duration for 1 of 5 queries: 0.062 sec. */

I am not seeing anything obvious but not a SQL guru either.

Any help welcome!
: Gantt Charts Permissions
: stephan33 December 24, 2011, 03:20:29 PM
Thanks to all the tips on this thread I have the Gantt Chart & Tab working.  My question is around permissions, a user x who has access to workspace x is able to view gantt charts for all workspaces.  Is there a way to limit user x to view only his own workspace tasks this user is assigned to?

Also interestingly, one personal workspace is included in the options while the "main" workspace" for that user is not? I had the project workspace assigned to the user instead of the his personal one.

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: proffnet January 04, 2012, 05:26:29 PM
I get a slightly different error within MySQLadmin:

CREATE FUNCTION fengoffice.`my_getworkspace` (
s CHAR( 20 )
) RETURNS char( 128 ) CHARSET latin1 RETURN (
FROM my_workspaces

MySQL said: Documentation
#1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

Any ideas, got me stumped.... using V13.1 installed in a tab. But this is the SQL code to create the tables/functions etc... where it is failing.


 SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;

It should help. You have to have administrator rights to do this.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: memnon January 10, 2012, 06:14:40 AM
Hi there...

i use FengOffice 1.7.5 and have 2 problems with the installation:

if i switch to the "tab" i get following errors:

Warning: include(../chartglobal.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\og\application\views\lab\index.php on line 203

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../chartglobal.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\og\application\views\lab\index.php on line 203

i searched the folder xampp, i dont have a chartglobal.php file - where do i get this ?

2nd Problem

if i try to use your php script with phpMyAdmin i get errors even on the 1st command:

ROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_tblmilestones$$
CREATE TABLE `my_tblmilestones` (
  `rowcount` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pID` int(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pName` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pStart` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `pEnd` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `pColor` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pMile` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pRes` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pEmail` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pComp` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pGroup` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pParent` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pWBS` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `pOrderBy` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE `my_tblmilestones` ( `rowcount` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `pID`' at line 2

i am really new to all this but any help would be great...

i made all the steps before (i use the solution with TAB integrated view)
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: memnon January 10, 2012, 09:28:18 AM
1st problem solved

i included the chartglobal.php whilst i didnt need that file

2nd problem , still no clue :(
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: memnon January 10, 2012, 09:55:46 AM
well i dont have to replace ";" with "$$" as noted in the discription

so 2nd prob itself is solfed, but leads me into next problem...

BTW: my Version: Server Version: 5.5.16
Protokoll-Version: 10


CREATE PROCEDURE fengoffice.`get_my_workspaces` (
) BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;

MySQL meldet: Dokumentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 4
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: luci January 20, 2012, 09:07:02 AM
 the same with me :(

sql file: feng_gantt_13.1.sql, importing it with PhpMyAdmin..

SQL query:
CREATE PROCEDURE track.`get_my_workspaces` (
)$$ BEGIN DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BEGIN

DELETE FROM my_tblworkspaces' at line 2
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: asdfghj January 21, 2012, 02:09:16 PM
i had similar issues when i was tring to install this on feng office 2 beta 3.  once i downgraded to 1.7.5  the script completed without error and i am able to pull up the page.  

i am however getting some errors about undefined variables and indexes when its listing the workspaces and a few other things.  It can pull the resources fine, just errors with a few others.


(top of page)
Notice: Undefined index: hidSubmitted in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 215

(these are workspaces)
Notice: Undefined variable: sel in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 368

Notice: Undefined index: pID in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 371

Notice: Undefined index: pID in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 371

Notice: Undefined index: pID in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 371

Notice: Undefined index: pID in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 371

Notice: Undefined index: pID in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 371

(colors checkbox)
Notice: Undefined index: chkColor in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 454

(duration checkbox
Notice: Undefined index: chkDuration in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 468

(dates checkbox)
Notice: Undefined index: chkDates in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line 470

(bottom of page)
Notice: Undefined variable: SQL_Start in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line

Notice: Undefined variable: SQL_End in C:\wamp\www\manager\application\views\gantt\index.php on line
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jolivaresd February 19, 2012, 02:01:46 AM

I need export to a pdf file or print the gantt, but when i ty to print, the color bars don't appears...
Somebody can help me or can solve this issue?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: VER March 14, 2012, 01:51:52 PM

I need export to a pdf file or print the gantt, but when i ty to print, the color bars don't appears...
Somebody can help me or can solve this issue?


In my case this has been solved by modifying all instances of opacity:0.9 to opacity:1 in both jsgantt.js and jsgantt.compressed.js

Thx for the great work!

The only problem I'm having is that it shows all workspaces and all resources. I've put all my tasks in one Workspace and limited the query to that workspace. This worked fine in this particular case.
I did not manage to get the tab working though (but stopped  investigating it for the time being).
: Show Gantt Tab only to certain users
: beto May 23, 2012, 03:04:32 PM
Hi Allen,

Could you help a little bit, I want to show the Gantt Tab only to certain users and hide the tab for everyone else, for this maybe I could use the username.

Thanks, Roberto.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jeob June 11, 2012, 12:54:18 PM

First thank you for trying to help us to add gantt chart in fengoffice.

I would like to know if your jsgantt code work in fengoffice 2.0 ?

I tried to install it but it seems that some tables doesn't exit in the new version (fo_projects, fo_workspaces_object)

Thank you for help

Have a nice day
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: stmitchell August 29, 2012, 09:20:19 PM

I would like to know if your jsgantt code work in fengoffice 2.1?

I am having exact same issues as above post
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: hoangnv September 22, 2012, 03:55:07 AM
I include here for your reference my settings to make the integrated tab work in Feng Office.  I reiterate however that it is *not* necessary to integrate jsGantt as a tab in Feng Office, you simply need to use the index.php I've supplied as a normal web page, and give it access to your Feng Office database.  Your integrated tab after this exercise will be called "Labs".

First copy the attached file 'LabController.class.php' into your 'application/controllers' folder.

Second, you should already have copied all my jsGantt-related files into an 'application/views/lab' folder that you create.

Third, you add the tab to the tab panel by adding the following section to 'public/assets/javascript/og/layout.js'.  Add it just BEFORE the following line of code: og.panels.reporting = new og.ContentPanel({

// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
og.panels.lab = new og.ContentPanel({
title: lang('labs'),
id: 'labs-panel',
iconCls: 'ico-labs',
refreshOnWorkspaceChange: false,
defaultContent: {
type: 'html',
data: '<iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;border:0" src="application/views/lab/index.php"></iframe>'
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

Fourth, you want to set up your label for your new tab.  You want to paste the following code into your 'language/en_us/lang.js' file, just AFTER the following line of code: addLangs({

// AEL - Begin mod to add lab panel to Feng Office
'labs': 'Labs',
// AEL - End mod to add lab panel to Feng Office

For completeness, I added this line of code to every lang.js file for every language shown under the 'languages' folder, but if you only use English you don't need to do this.

Fifth, you can set up your icon for your application.  I cheated and re-used the magic wand icon from templates.  This probably isn't necessary per-se, but I wanted a nifty little icon like the rest of the tabs.  To do that I copied the file 'public/assets/themes/default/images/16x16/template.png' to 'lab.png' in the same directory.  Then I added the following code in 'public/assets/themes/default/stylesheets/general/layout.css' in the same general section the other icons were defined (ico-tasks, ico-documents, etc.).
/* AEL - Begin mod to add labs to Feng Office */
.ico-labs {
background-image: url(../../images/16x16/lab.png) !important;
/* AEL - End mod to add labs to Feng Office */

That is what it took to make the tab work for me.  Again, I'm not a tab expert, I really started the thread more to share our work with jsGantt, and having it on a tab is kind of just a nice thing to do.
I haven't see code og.panels.reporting = new og.ContentPanel({ in file layout.js of Feng office version 2.2
How to add chart flash statistics report?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 24, 2012, 08:31:20 AM
Bear in mind this mod was for a version of Feng Office more than a year old.  The code may have changed significantly since then.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: hoangnv September 25, 2012, 06:15:36 AM
Bear in mind this mod was for a version of Feng Office more than a year old.  The code may have changed significantly since then.
How to using flash chart for Feng Office 2.2 beata? (same demo Feng Ofice 2.1)
Please help me
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 25, 2012, 08:43:28 AM
Sorry, no idea.  I haven't used the Gantt Charts since about version 1.7, if I recall correctly.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: hoangnv September 25, 2012, 12:08:20 PM
Sorry, no idea.  I haven't used the Gantt Charts since about version 1.7, if I recall correctly. 
You have flash charts statistics on Feng Office 2.1 demo.
How to create them?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 25, 2012, 12:14:52 PM
Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to - I have not used or supported this mod for a very long time.

These instructions are for jsGantt which is java-based, and does not use flash.  If you can be more specific, perhaps I can point you in a direction, but I am no longer familiar with this code or mod.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: rcastro September 26, 2012, 11:47:44 AM
Hi, first of all thanks for your work!

I've installed it in an instance of Fengoffice 1.7.4 and it's working just fine. Now I'm trying to install it on a different instance, with Fengoffice 1.7.5. I followed the same steps but I can't see any workspace to select in the form.

This instance of Fengoffice 1.7.5 have like 1750 tasks, and lots of them are repetitive tasks. I have no MySQL errors, but most of the pocedures give no data  about workspaces. The only thing I can see to select in the form is the Resources, but no Workspace.

Do you have any idea of what to do here?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: allenlook September 27, 2012, 05:59:40 AM
If you see nothing in the selection boxes, you have a data error - it will be visible in the HTML source of the page.  All of the troubleshooting steps for that are listed early in this thread, probably within the first three posts...
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: jlipi October 17, 2013, 01:28:52 PM
Hallo, is there any update for feng office 2.1....

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: Eggsalad February 01, 2014, 03:44:46 PM

Anyone know if this works with v2.5.0.1?

Also, the link to the code in the second post of this thread seems to be broken.  Anyone have the files?

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mikulu May 10, 2014, 07:42:22 PM
Same question or anybody know other gantt plugin for feng office?
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: mnevens June 25, 2014, 06:17:35 AM

I have the same question for version 2.6.1 for integration a gantt chart plugin

: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: conrado July 07, 2014, 11:09:55 AM
Yes, there is a new -official- plug in now.

The latest version (see the blog for a comprehensive description (http://www.fengoffice.com/web/blogen/?p=1579)) adds a great deal of improvements and pretty much all the features of the previous plugins.
: Re: How to Add Gantt Charts (JSGantt) to Feng Office
: rocker0 September 02, 2014, 08:37:34 AM
Yes, there is a new -official- plug in now.

How can we get it?

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