Feng Forum

Other Topics => Development => Community Contributions => : vhinzsanchez May 18, 2015, 01:15:35 AM

: Task
: vhinzsanchez May 18, 2015, 01:15:35 AM

I would like to know how to arrange the comments (in tasks) so as to show the latest entry first.  My installation arranged it that comment 1 is the first, then if you would like to view the latest one, its in the bottom of the page.

Those that were setup before I arrived is setup to display the latest as the 1st you'll see and the #1 is at the bottom (ideal arrangement).

My next query is to disable the Time Tracking. Each task displays 2 buttons, "Start Work" and "Add Work."  Previous ones (again) do not have those.

BTW, this is an old instance along with other projects (instances).  However, I created a server for this and transferred the database as well as the upload folder, everything seems normal until I was asked on what happened to the task (query above).

We are using v.1.7.5.


: Re: Task
: vhinzsanchez May 18, 2015, 03:10:02 AM

Actually got it....luckily, the previous IT has documented what he has done with Feng Office.

I would like to know how to arrange the comments (in tasks) so as to show the latest entry first.  My installation arranged it that comment 1 is the first, then if you would like to view the latest one, its in the bottom of the page.

In "application/models/comments/Comments.class.php" look for:

and change to

on all 4 instances.

My next query is to disable the Time Tracking. Each task displays 2 buttons, "Start Work" and "Add Work."  Previous ones (again) do not have those.

Comment out the following lines:
         if ($object instanceof ProjectDataObject && $object->allowsTimeslots() && can_manage_time(logged_user()))
            echo render_object_timeslots($object, $object->getViewUrl());
         if ($object instanceof ProjectDataObject && $object->canView(logged_user()) || $object instanceof User)             
            echo render_object_latest_activity($object);

Then reload apache2.