Feng Forum

Support => Feng Office 2 => : bogdanbiv September 24, 2011, 01:02:36 PM

: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: bogdanbiv September 24, 2011, 01:02:36 PM
I downloaded and installed fengoffice_2.0.0beta.zip and then followed the install wizard. At the end I have created an administrative user and now, after loging in with that user, this error appears on screen:
In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
Sorry about this,

--- The Feng 2.0 Team ---

Now what should I do? I've googled high and low for this error, but I couldn't find anything.  ???

UPDATE: I see that this forum section is dedicated to "Report problems with Feng Onsite installs." . Does this mean that this section is dedicated to Commercial Support for Feng Onsite ? If so, where is the communnity support section?
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: itparus September 26, 2011, 04:28:41 AM
I have the same problem. Ubuntu 10.04+LAMP.
Any ideas how to solve?
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: bogdanbiv September 26, 2011, 08:19:06 AM
If 1.7.5 features are all you need then you can install that without issues, just be careful to choose a different prefix for the database tables - in case if you use the same database for 2.0.0beta and the 1.7.5.

I wanted the beta just to see if spreadsheets were implemented there.
Um, forgot to mention: my OS is Ubuntu 11.04,
Apache 2.don't know what :)
PHP 5.3
MySQL 5.1

All components are installed from packages.
One more thing... I did not check my PHP memory size limit, but since installing 1.7.5 _did_ work, I suppose it's ok (by default that limit is set 32M in php .deb packages).
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: mvs September 26, 2011, 06:47:10 PM
Me Too, Started from scratch... Install went fine... logged in but and came up with same error as above.

Not sure if it's an issue with the SQL database type.

: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: franponce87 September 28, 2011, 11:57:24 AM
Hello everyone.

For starters, please keep in mind it is a Beta version yet.
It has not been explicitly announced at our blog, sorry about that, but you may not upgrade from 1.7.5 to 2.0 Beta.. at least for the time being.

Best regards,
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: millionleaves September 29, 2011, 09:39:05 PM
Same problem. Fresh install of beta 2 on Centos 5 went fine, but when trying to log in I get this message and can't get any further.

Looking at the database, there are a number of tables that reference dimensions; these are all empty.  Based on the error message, I'm guessing we have to populate these tables manually? If so, doesn't that mean this is an alpha, not a beta?
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: ristotel October 02, 2011, 05:19:55 AM
this happens if your database creation goes wrong, for example you provided wrong username or pass

delete the whole database, also clear the folder of fo2, and then extract fresh files from the download, and go through install again, just making sure you dont miss the user/password combo for the database,

also make sure checkbox for dimension, email andworkspaces are checked, and then the table will be populated with basic needed dimensions for the start...

I must add that first page of installation incorrectly states that FO has documents spreadsheets and presentations, but developers said that spreadsheets will be only available as a plugin... so I think that this should be changed, as many newcomers will be puzzled where are spreadsheets....
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: manishjhawar October 10, 2011, 03:42:04 AM
@ristotel: This worked for me, thanks!
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: poborn October 12, 2011, 11:36:24 PM
Had same problem.
I deleted (then recreated) database.
Also deleted 2 files from config directory:  'config.php' and 'installed_version.php'.
Navigated browser back to install page and went through the install process again. all fixed.
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: vcardins November 21, 2011, 11:18:31 PM
Hi Folks, Fortunetelly I had created a local copy and then noticed that my server copy had less table than the local one (maybe some issue during the database creation). I just exported from my local and imported on the server and all went fine ... Only this !!

Hope this helps !
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: wh043720 December 13, 2011, 10:23:56 PM
I had this error just now too ,but now everyting is OK.
so revolution  in the follow :

1.Open the My SQL database (Sorry,I only can use this database. )
2.Press the SQL button,enter these orders:

INSERT INTO `fo_plugins` (`name`,`is_installed`, `is_activated`, `priority`, `activated_on`, `activated_by_id`) VALUES
 ('core_dimensions', 1, 1, 0, NOW(), 1)
INSERT INTO `fo_dimensions` (`code`,`name`,`is_root`,`is_manageable`,`allows_multiple_selection`,`defines_permissions`, `is_system`, `options`) VALUES
 ('feng_persons', 'People', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,'{"useLangs":true,"defaultAjax":{"controller":"contact", "action": "init"},"quickAdd":{"formAction":"?c=contact&a=quick_add"}}' ),
 ('feng_users', 'Users', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,'{"hidden":true,"defaultAjax":{"controller":"contact", "action": "init"}}')

INSERT INTO `fo_object_types` (`name`,`handler_class`,`table_name`,`type`,`icon`,`plugin_id`) VALUES
 ('person', 'Contacts', 'contacts', 'dimension_object', 'contact', (SELECT `id` FROM `fo_plugins` WHERE `name`='core_dimensions')),
 ('user', 'Contacts', 'contacts', 'dimension_object', 'user', (SELECT `id` FROM `fo_plugins` WHERE `name`='core_dimensions')),
 ('company', 'Contacts', 'contacts', 'dimension_object', 'company', (SELECT `id` FROM `fo_plugins` WHERE `name`='core_dimensions'))

3.OK,hope your FO  everything OK  now !
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: mylcon June 06, 2012, 10:44:28 AM
I have installed the Community Version 2.0.0 (2012-03-21). I have encountered this error after changing the table prefix during installation.

If the prefix remains unchanged ("of_"), no error occurs.

Hope this tips will help!
: Re: In order to continue, you need to create dimensions (directly from database).
: bleeuwen September 05, 2012, 09:30:33 AM
Great tip.
